Create a Learning Path

  • Updated

Create a learning path and add related published courses to it, allowing users to purchase them as part of a bundle, topic, or more. Users can register for learning paths and also register for the associated courses as they progress through the path.

Learn more at Learning Paths 101.

How to Create a Learning Path.

Before creating a learning path, you'll first need to create published courses. You'll need to add these courses to the path. Learn how to create a course here.

After you've published your courses it's time to create your learning path. You can create a learning path by following these steps. 

  1. Go to your Skilljar Dashboard and select Domains & Publishing, or expand the Domains & Publishing header, and select Domains to open the Domains page.
  2. Find the domain you want to create a learning path for and select Paths to open the Paths Management page with a list of any existing Paths. (The snapshot will show indicate how many paths are associated with that domain, if any.)

    Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 1.14.04 PM.png

  3. Select New Path.

    Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 1.15.32 PM.png

  4. On the following page, you can customize the elements of the Learning Path landing page.
    • Summary
      • Title - the name of the learning path. 
      • Short description
      • URL (created based on the title) - the web address of the learning path.
        • The snapshot gives you an overview of the path's makeup, such as the courses it contains and the enrollment settings.
    • Purchase Settings (see Charging for a Learning Path for more information):
      • Purchase Price (optional) - If selected, students will need to pay to register for the course.
      • Credit Value - If selected, students will need to redeem credits to register for the course. See How to Create and Manage Training Credits - Admins.
      • Promo Codes - select this to add the path to one or more promo code pools. See How to Create and Use Promo Codes.
      • Max checkout quantity - Defines the purchase quantity on the checkout page. Set at 30 by default.
      • SKU - a stock-keeping unit (SKU) number for tracking purposes. 
      • Detail Page HTML (header students see before registering for, or purchasing, the path.)  
    • Enrollment Settings
      • Registration status - choose if the path is open for new registrations or closed for new registrations. 
      • Expiration - the length of time students have access to the learning path. If left blank, access will be indefinite. 
      • Timezone 
      • Email Settings
    • Content & Order - This section allows you to 1. choose whether you want to require students to take courses within a path in order (ordered learning paths) 2. select which published courses will be part of this learning path and 2. define the order in which you would like those courses to be displayed.  Note: Post-registration, students will be directed to the first course.
    • Display Settings
      • Header HTML (header students see after registering for, or purchasing, the path.)
      • Layout
      • Search
      • Filters
    • Tile Behavior
    • Location - At the bottom of the Learning Paths page, you can select the Catalog Page your path lives on. You can place it on the Catalog Home Page or any of your other catalog pages. Once you have selected the location, the path will immediately display on that page upon saving. (Note - this setting is different from Catalog Visibility.) Screen_Shot_2020-12-23_at_2.47.50_PM.png
  5. Select Save (or Save and Continue Editing)

Best Practices for Creating Learning Paths

  • When creating a Learning Path, it is recommended that students have visibility and access to all published courses in the Learning Path (learn more at Setting Visibility and Access for a Published Course, Catalog Page, Plan, or Published Path).
      • While the published course visibility and access settings will be respected (the student will not be able to access the course), the Path Analytics will be based on the number of courses in the Published Path. Learn more about the Dashboard Analytics experience at Understanding Analytics Reporting.
      • One callout about the Student Experience: if a student does not have access to the first course in the path (“Enforce Access Based On Visibility”), the student will get redirected back to the home Catalog Page.
  • Use the email settings to alert students of their registration for the Learning Path. Screen_Shot_2020-09-28_at_7.44.39_PM.pngThe below email is a sample of the email sent to students upon path registration. Learn more about Skilljar email notifications at Managing Course Registration and Completion Email Notifications.path_email.png


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