Groups Analytics

  • Updated

Use the groups analytics report page on your Skilljar dashboard to capture and analyze student activity and course consumption data by student groups, and determine who your most and least active learners are.

For more information about groups, please see Create and Manage Groups

Note: Group analytics data refreshes every 24 hours, so it may differ from your Analytics Overview data, which refreshes in real-time.



If you are using student groups as customer accounts, you can use the data from your Skilljar dashboard's group report page to gain program buy-in and learn more about your customers, such as identifying those that may need more attention and assistance to complete their training. 

  • Note: Filtering results for a timeframe before November 15th, 2022 will only show currently active students and groups. 

The groups report page displays three charts and provides data for:

  • Active students. 
  • Session time. 
  • Enrollments and completions.
    • Note: Group analytics data refreshes every 24 hours, so it may differ from your Analytics Overview data, which refreshes in real-time.


Example: The groups report allows you to check who your most active student groups are in the last 30 days. You can then check to see if the most active students are also spending more time in your training sessions and how many are enrolling and completing your courses. You may find that your customer has a lot of active students and enrollments in their courses, but very low session time and completion, which may suggest they may need help engaging their students. 

Filtering Results

By default, the groups report page shows all your student groups, however, the page can be filtered using the Student and Content filters. Selecting filters allows you to narrow down your results and only display the data according to the filters you have chosen. 


The Student section filters results by: 

  • Category 
  • Groups


Example: Selecting a category in the chart’s filter will narrow down the charts to only show groups in the selected category. If you don’t have any categories, all of your groups will be included in the analysis.

The Content section filters results by:

You can also further filter by:

  • Labels
  • Title
    • These will show your course or path titles, depending on which is chosen above. You can select one or multiple labels/titles. 


Example: Selecting a course label will only provide data for courses that have that label.

To add the filter to your results, select Apply.

Results can also be filtered by a specific date and timeframe by selecting the Dates dropdown and choosing the data range on the calendar. 

  • Note: Filtering results for a timeframe before November 15th, 2022 will only show currently active students and groups

If your chart includes a lot of groups, it will be split into separate pages. You can scroll through the pages by selecting the arrows at the bottom of the chart. > Takes you to the next page and >> to the final page. 

Downloading Your Data

You can also download a CSV file of the data you are viewing on the page by selecting CSV and then Send My Data. A link to you to your data will then be sent to the email address displayed on the screen.

Active student Chart

The Active Students chart compares student group activity across your chosen time period with activity from the previous time period, equal to the time you’ve chosen. For example, selecting May 3rd to June 3rd will display the group activity in the left bar and compare it with the activity from April 2nd to May 2nd, which is displayed in the right bar. 


Session Time Chart

The Session Time chart shows how much time each selected group has spent on your training courses across your selected time frame. Session data that exceeds two hours will be presented in hours, and anything below two hours will display in minutes. As you scroll through, the chart will swap to minutes after the results dip below two hours. 





Enrollments and Completions Chart

The Enrollments and Completions chart shows and compares the number of course enrollments and completions by each selected student group. The top bar displays the number of enrollments and the bottom bar shows completions.


Frequently Asked Questions

I have a group with hundreds of students but they don’t show up in group analytics

If you expect a student group to show up in group analytics but they don’t, it could be for one of these reasons:

  • Your group hasn’t accessed your academy and been active with a course yet. To be an “active user” students must first access a lesson.

  • Your group hasn’t been active in the date range you have selected. Try changing the dates and see if a longer date range will make them show up, or go a bit further back in time.

How do I select ALL in the multi-select drop-down Student and Content Filters?

By default, "All" will be selected when you first open either the student or the content filter. The content filter is set to ALL Courses, and if you switch it to Paths it will show ALL Paths.
If you’ve selected other values, you can return the filter back to the ALL default view by selecting the reset button.

How do the different filters in the Content filter interact?

Labels + Titles are AND
Each label/title selected in Labels/Titles is ORSo the filter in the screenshot is: ANY label AND course title is “Create Your Content Strategy” OR “Welcome to Nurture Strategy Foundation” 

What if I want to select ALL and then de-select one or two groups? For example, I have 100s of customer student groups and one internal student group.

You can narrow down your list of groups and then manually select all but one group from your list. When doing this, we suggest using group categories to include all the groups that are built for the same use case into one category. In an ideal world, your categories are set up so that you’ll never need to select all but one.

Why does the session time chart show hours, and then switch to minutes?

This is done to make things easier due to varying session times, and so you don't have to calculate it yourself. Session times for groups can range from many hours to just a few minutes. Any total session time that is more than 120 mins, (two hours) will show as hours.

How do I see the students that were active in a group?

Go to the Students Analytics page on your Skilljar dashboard, select the group from the "Filter by" drop-down, and then the same date range you’ve selected in Group Analytics.

How do I see what my groups have enrolled in?

Go to the Enrollments Analytics page on your Skilljar dashboard, select the same group from the "Filter by" drop-down, and then the same date range you’ve selected in Group Analytics.

I am looking at a timeframe in the past and I don’t see data for the group that I expect.

Group membership data wasn't tracked until the group analytics feature was launched in November 2022. If your group had a different set of members that were removed before November 2022, your group analytics report won't show data for these members as there's no data available to pull from before this point.

However, group activity data is stored historically after November 2022. This means, that the data you’re looking at in group analytics after November 2022 will be a true snapshot of the time the activity takes place regardless of current group membership. Going forward, if you have 10 members in a group today that will be removed in a month, and you filter the date as today, the activity of those 10 members will show up in your group analytics report.

What does the previous period show in the Active User chart?

In Skilljar's analytics, “Previous” always refers to the time frame exactly before the time frame selected in the date filter. If a user selects "last 30 days", then the previous period is 30 days prior to the last 30 days.

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