Quizzes Analytics

  • Updated

The Quizzes report page provides an overview of quiz performance across your training platform. As a quiz can be used in multiple courses, quiz data can be viewed by each course it appears in or you can view the data by the quiz itself with a single download.


The following data points are provided on the Quizzes analytics page:

  • Quiz Name
  • Course containing the quiz
  • Course Registrations
  • Number of Quiz completions
  • Average Quiz Score
  • Passing Score (set by the admin)
  • Average time of completion
  • Time limit (optional - set by the admin)
  • Course ID (in CSV)

This quiz data can help identify whether adjustments should be made to your content based on user performance. For example, if the average score of a Quiz is 40%, but the Passing Score is 100%, this could be a sign that your course content is confusing or unclear to students. Alternatively, it could mean that your quiz questions are not well-defined and need updating.

Quiz data can be viewed and sorted by course or by the individual quiz itself by selecting the By Course or By Quiz tabs. You can sort the results by selecting the arrows by each column’s title. Use the search bar to search for a specific course/quiz by name.

By Course Tab

The By Course tab lists each course that a quiz appears in and presents the quiz data within that course


You can use the Course ID included in the Quiz Analytics CSV download, which will allow you to identify the course that a quiz is used in, even if the course name changes over time.

In conjunction with the Courses report, you can also determine whether a course with a low completion rate is being hampered by an underperforming quiz.

Select each quiz name to dive deeper into how specific questions are performing within a given quiz in that course. On the next page, you can see a snapshot of the quiz completions, score, and time, as well as question and student split between two tabs.

Questions Tab


The Questions tab offers a breakdown of each question to show the success rate of the question (% Correct), the number of responses, and which answers students are selecting. Just because it's been determined that a quiz is leading to a low completion rate for a course, doesn't necessarily mean that the entire quiz itself needs updating.

In this scenario, being able to pinpoint exactly where within a quiz the problem exists is incredibly useful. Admins can then determine whether the entire quiz or only certain questions should be updated to improve performance rates.

Hover over each answer to see the exact number of answers for each. If a question isn’t graded, it will be grayed out. Select View Responses to see each student’s response.

Students Tab


After selecting one of the Students, you can see their responses to each Question in your quiz:


Much like the Student tab in the Courses report, Skilljar offers a more granular look at user behavior by showing exactly how a student has answered a quiz question. You'll first see an overview of all students who have taken the quiz, including the completion date and their score. By selecting a student's name you'll then be taken to their answer report.

The answer report can be useful if an admin or Group Manager needs to discuss a quiz or course score with a student, especially for certification courses.

By Quiz Tab


The By Quiz tab lists each quiz and its data across all courses. This tab is especially handy if you use one quiz to collect feedback in more than one course. Using this tab allows you to analyze the data/feedback across multiple courses with just one download. 

Select the quiz to deep dive even further into the data. On the next page, you can see a snapshot of the quiz completions, score, and time. The table lists each student and the course they’ve taken the quiz in, along with their start and completion dates, score, completion status (if applicable), time, and the number of questions they answered.


Filtering Data

You can filter the "By Quiz" and "By Course" pages by the latest activity date, by the user, or by using the search bar. You can also select each column to sort them by student name, course, date started, date completed, score, passed/failed status, elapsed time, and the number of questions answered. 

Filter by "Latest Activity" date

Select the Latest Activity drop-down selection and then the desired dates from the calendar or choose one of the set time-frames on the right. By default, the results will show the latest activity within the last 30 days. Select Apply to filter the results, or reset to change it back to the default results. 


By User

Type the student's name into the User bar. The bar should autofill if the user exists in the data, then select Go


You can also filter the data on each individual quiz page by start date and domain. By default, each page shows results for all users/domains within the last 30 days.  

Filter by domain

Select the Filter by drop-down selection and select the domain you want to view. This will show only data within the chosen domain. To go back to the default view, select All Users. 

Filter by “started at” date

The “started at” filter shows results according to the date the quiz was started. To change the date, select the drop-down box. Select the timeframe you want to reflect within your report. You can select between one and 90 days either by the auto-selection (such as Today and Last 90 Days) on the right or by choosing the dates from the calendar. Select Apply to reflect the results in your table, or Reset to clear your selection back to the default.

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