Skilljar Purchase Flow Experience

  • Updated

Skilljar's purchase flow directs users through registration and purchase processes for courses, plans, and paths in two to three simple steps:


Students are able to:

  • Purchase a single quantity for someone else (with or without a 100% promo code)

  • Purchase multiple quantities of a path

  • See scheduled events when purchasing for someone else or purchasing multiple quantities to ensure that events fit into the schedule of the person they purchase for

  • Reserve events before they purchase a course to ensure that the event(s) fits into their schedule

  • Receive a purchase confirmation email when they've used a 100% promo code

Admins are able to:

  • Fully enforce event registration when students register or purchase a course


Purchase Flow Experience

Step 1: Define your purchase - Select quantity, events, and if you purchase for yourself or others

Selecting Quantity, Promo Code, Purchasing for someone else

The student can select the quantity of courses, plans, and paths as well as apply a promotion code and indicate that they are purchasing for someone else. If the payment processor is PayPal, we display a ‘Pay with PayPal’ button at the bottom of the page. For all other payment processors and external processors, the button says “Review and Pay”.

Event Registration - Student purchases a single quantity for themselves

If a student purchases a single quantity for themselves and event registration is enforced, they are also asked to select an event for each live training lesson on the course. In this case, a student cannot proceed to the purchase step unless they have selected the events. This ensures that Skilljar fully enforces event registration before the student has made a payment. Skilljar reserves a place for the student and their selected events for 30 minutes, during which time the seat will not be available for other students to claim. If the purchase is successful during that period, the students are enrolled in the events, otherwise, the seat will be released and available for others to purchase.  

Browsing Events - User purchases for someone else or multiple quantities

When a user purchases multiple quantities or they purchase for someone else and event registration is enforced, we allow the purchaser to browse the available events in a read-only mode. They are not able to register for or reserve an event. This allows the purchaser to ensure that suitable events are available for the person they are purchasing for before they make a payment.



Step 2: Purchase - Purchase the offer through the defined payment processor or external payment processor

This step is different for each payment processor:

Stripe (pictured below) and Merchant-E

Stripe and Merchant-E are displayed on a new page within Skilljar. The upper part of the page allows students to review their selection in Step 1 and provides ‘Edit’ buttons to change the selection. The “Your events” section is only displayed if the student has selected events in Step 1. The lower part of the page displays the actual payment form.


For Stripe (pictured below), purchasers can enter their credit card information.


For Merchant-E, purchasers are asked to first enter their address. Purchasers can then enter their credit card information in a second step. Both of these steps are displayed on this page below the purchase summary.


PayPal, Payflow Pro, and all external payment processors

Clicking the button (“Pay with PayPal” or “Review and Pay”) on Step 1 of the purchase flow redirects the student to a separate page outside of Skilljar where they complete their purchase. When a student purchases a single quantity for themselves, they are immediately redirected back to the purchased offer (course, plan, path) and Skilljar automatically enrolls them into the purchased offer and events (if applicable).

When a user purchases for someone else or they purchase multiple quantities, they are redirected to step 3.


Step 3: Manage your purchase: If you purchase for someone else, share a license code or register


When a user purchases for themselves or multiple quantities, Skilljar generates a license that can be used for the purchased number of users. In the ‘Share it’ section, the purchaser can copy this license code link. They can also decide to register themselves, which applies the generated license code in the background.

If a student uses a license code or link to enroll in a course and event registration is enforced, they are asked to select an event for each live training lesson on the course.



Frequently asked questions

What is the expected email behavior?

When we send a registration email:

  • Students receive a registration email when they use a license code or link that was generated on the “Thank You” page (see above) to register for an offer (plan, path, course) and registration emails are enabled on the offer. This is the case when someone else purchased the offer for them. The purchaser will receive a purchase confirmation for their purchase (see below).

  • Students receive a registration email when they register for a free offer (plan, path, course) if registration emails are enabled on the offer.

When we send a purchase confirmation:

We send a purchase confirmation email even when a purchaser uses a promo code that reduces the price to $0. Such a promo code can be generated through API or through the Dashboard and is different from a license code that is generated on the “Thank You” page when a user purchases an offer for someone else. For plans, purchase emails have a separate setting for registration emails and purchase emails. For all other offers, enabling registration emails will also turn on the purchase confirmation email.

If a purchaser purchases for someone else (single or multiple quantities), can they reserve specific events during the purchase?

No, Skilljar needs to know which user will attend an event before we can make a reservation for a specific event. If you restrict the purchasable quantity of a course by the available event seats, Skilljar will account for the purchased licenses to ensure that the users will be available to register for an event once they sign up.

Purchasers will be able to see the list of events including available seats before they purchase a course. This will allow them to coordinate with the students and ensure that the students will be available to attend the offered events. Once a student uses the license link to sign up for the course, Skilljar asks them to register for an event to ensure that they have an event registration.

When a student purchases a path, are they asked to select events during purchase?

No, when a student purchases a path, they can’t select events before purchase. Students can open the live training lessons of the included courses after purchase to register for events.


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