Lessons 101

  • Updated

Enhance your Skilljar training platform by adding lessons to your courses. 

You can add a lesson to your courses via your Skilljar dashboard. To read more about how to create a lesson, see our Create a Lesson article

What’s a lesson?

A lesson is the curriculum content that makes up your courses, which students consume and interact with when they partake in your training, including quizzes, HTML lessons, video lessons, and live training events (see lesson types below). In order to complete a course, students must pass the lessons within it, either through grading tasks, such as a quiz, or through attendance, such as joining a live training event session. 

Lesson completion can also be either mandatory or optional. For example, some customers use optional non-graded quiz questions within a lesson to act as a survey for feedback.  

Lessons are made up of:

  • Lesson title
  • Content elements, such as video, quiz, and HTML (see lesson types below).
  • Summary (optional) - a summary of the lesson using text/HTML.
  • Downloadable content (optional) - you can provide attachments (of any file type) for trainees to download as a supplement for a lesson, such as an attached PDF file. 


Lesson types

The lessons you can create from your Skilljar dashboard include (Select each lesson to learn more)

You don’t have to choose just one lesson type either; Video, HTML, audio, and a single quiz can also be combined into the same lesson (see Combine Lesson Types for more). 

  • Note regarding text and quiz-only lessons: You can create a text or quiz-only lesson by selecting “Where are my text and quiz-only lessons?” and then the lesson type during the creation steps. However, these lessons can’t have combined content. We suggest you use the HTML and Quiz lessons on the prior page unless you have custom code in your theme that requires the old lessons.
  • Note regarding video lessons: Videos used with combined content lessons don't autoplay and won't sync across courses. The Mark Lesson Complete When Audio or Video is Done option is not available for combined lesson types

You also can also add further lesson types through third-party integration tools. To learn more, please view the integrations section of the Skilljar help center

Further Resources


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