Examity Integration Set-up

  • Updated

Integrate your Skilljar training site with Examity to provide secure and monitored assessments to your learners. Examity offers proctoring services to ensure the integrity of your training by preventing and detecting fraud. 

The Examity integration to Skilljar was built to work alongside the Caveon Exam integration for offering exams to learners.

The Examity integration is a premium Skilljar integration. Please reach out to your customer success or implementation manager for more information. 
  • Note: It is possible to launch other testing tools, or to proctor Skilljar Quizzes, though outside development may be required to automatically complete the lesson and pass the learner’s score back to Skilljar. 

What is Examity? 

Examity is a proctoring tool, which can be integrated with your Skilljar training site and used to monitor and assess your courses. Exams can be scheduled in the future or can be offered ad-hoc with Automatic proctoring or delayed review. 

To learn more about Examity and receive specific technical support, please visit the Examity website

Setting up the Examity integration

To set up the Examity integration with your Skilljar training site, you must first create an Examity account. Please work with your Examity Account team. When you’re all set up on the Examity side, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the Examity integration page within your Skilljar dashboard:  https://dashboard.skilljar.com/integrations/examity-v5. 
  2. Select Add Integration
  3. Enter your API credentials.
    • Name: Choose a name that helps you identify the integration when creating Skilljar courses. For example, “MyCompany Examity.”
    • Admin Password/API Client Secret: Examity Admin Credential
    • Admin username: Examity Admin Username
    • Client ID: This is given to you by your Examity Account manager - please reach out to Examity if you need this for your org.
    • Environment: Select between Sandbox and Production. 
      • If you only have a single examity instance, it is most likely "production". Only select "Sandbox" here if you are using a UAT version of Examity V5 
    • Webhook key used to sign and validate webhook events: Input a text string as a security key here. This Key is generated by Examity and can be gathered from your Examity team while configuring the v5 integration. 
    • Webhook Events URL: You don’t need to add any information here. The URL will display after you’ve saved the integration. This will need to be sent to the Examity Account team to finish the configuration in Examity.
    • Is Active: This should be checked for the integration to function
  4. When you’re finished, select Save to complete. 

After you’ve saved, the Webhooks Events URL will populate and you should send this and the Webhook Key to your Examity Account team in order to finalize the integration within Examity.

  • Note: It is possible to set up multiple Examity integrations and the integration configuration can be selected when creating lessons within a course.  

Create an Examity Proctored Exam Lesson

After you’ve set up the Examity integration, you can create Examity Proctored Exam Lessons from the course management page of your Skilljar dashboard. 

  1. On your Skilljar dashboard, select Course Management, or expand the Course Management header on the left and select Courses
  2. Select the course you want to add the lesson to or create a new course
  3. Select New Lesson
  4. On the Flyout screen, select Examity V5 Proctored Exam.
  5. Give the lesson a title, for example, Examity Exam. 
  6. In the Content section, add your integration details:
    • Display Name: This will render above the Launch Instructions
    • Integration: Select the Examity integration you want to use from the list. 
    • Examity Exam ID: You can find this ID in the URL from the Examity dashboard when looking at specific exam details. You can add either the long encoded ID or the short decoded version. 

  1. Optional: Enter a lesson summary and manage any downloadable content. See Create and Manage Lessons to learn more. 

Proctoring Status/Exam Results Update after a Learner Exam

Examity will update the Skilljar lesson with a Flag status to the webhook endpoint generated. Skilljar will complete the lesson or leave the lesson incomplete based on the results from Proctoring as detailed below:


Failed Exam 

If the learner Failed the Exam, the proctoring status will automatically be marked as "failed" which can complete the Skilljar course as "failed" and allows the learner to begin the retake process immediately, without depending on the proctoring results. 


Passed Exam, Failed Proctoring

If the learner receives any Red Flags sent from Examity after the proctoring, Skilljar will not update or Complete this lesson (even if the learner passed the exam) and the "Completed On" and "Proctoring" status will remain blank in the enrollment details. This will remain the case even if the Quiz/Exam provider has marked the Lesson Score/Success status as "passed"

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 9.07.21 AM.png

Admins will need to manually review and decide if the learner should pass or fail the Proctoring in order to complete the lesson/course, which can then start the retake process for the learner. 


Passed Exam, Passed Proctoring

If Skilljar receives a Proctoring message for the learner where there are no Red Flags, and the proctoring audit is complete, Skilljar will mark the Proctoring status complete, and the lesson will be marked complete automatically. 

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 9.08.37 AM.png

If this completes the Skilljar course, any Certificates/Badges will be generated as long as they are tied to the successful lesson completion. 




Learner Experience

After registering and going to their Examity lesson, learners will have the option of scheduling their exam with their exam provider by selecting Proceed to Exam Provider

They will then be taken to the Examity profile page, where they’ll complete the setup of their account, including uploading a photo ID and configuring their system settings. Learners will then be able to choose an exam date and time and launch the exam from their Examity exam dashboard page. 

After the learner has scheduled their exam, the date and time will then appear within the lesson view on your Skilljar training site. 

After learners have completed their exam, they can visit the lesson view page on your Skilljar training site to see their pass/fail and proctoring review status. 

If the learner has passed the exam AND the proctoring review, the lesson will be completed automatically. 

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