Create a plan via your Skilljar dashboard and provide your learners with access to multiple courses and learning paths. When you create a plan, you have the opportunity to choose the specific training content you would like to include and define plan-level settings such as price and expiration.
To learn more about plans, see Plans 101
How to Create a Plan
To create a plan, follow the below steps.
- Go to your Skilljar Dashboard, expand the Domains & Publishing header, and select Domains to open the Domains page.
- Find the domain you want to add a plan to and select Plans. This will open the plans management page with a list of your plans. The snapshot will also show you how many plans you've already created, if any, on that domain.
- Select New Plan.
- On the next page, complete the fields, such as naming the plan, managing the purchase and visibility settings, and choosing the plan's location. See the Details page section below for more information.
- When you're finished, select Save or Save and Continue Editing.
Details tab
When you first create a new plan, you'll be taken to the details page.
- Summary
- Name: Enter the name of your plan.
- Description: Briefly describe your plan. This is hidden by default but can be displayed on the plan tile by adding custom CSS.
- URL: This is the web address of the plan.
- Purchase Settings: Set a price for your plan.
- Add A Purchase Price: Select this if you students to pay to register to your plan, and then enter the monetary value in the box.
- Add This Plan To One Or More Promo Code Pools: Select this to add the plan to a promo code pool, then select + Your Promo Codes to expand and reveal the promo code list. Select the code(s) you want to add the plan to. You can also use the search bar to search for specific promo pools.
- Max Checkout: Enter the maximum amount of plans that customers can purchase in one transaction. It is 30 by default. If you want it to be unlimited, leave the box blank.
- SKU: Add a SKU number for tracking purposes.
- Add A Purchase Price: Select this if you students to pay to register to your plan, and then enter the monetary value in the box.
- Enrollment Settings:
- Expiration: Define a plan-level expiration setting by entering how many months or days the plan registration will expire after registration.
- If a learner has access to a published course or published path via a plan, the plan-level expiration setting will be enforced. If a plan has an expiration setting, the expiration date will display on the plan detail page post-registration (for example, after the student has gained access to the plan).
In cases where a student already has access to a plan object:
- The settings of whatever granted access first will be respected
- If / when that expires, the next setting that grants access will be respected
- If a learner has access to a published course or published path via a plan, the plan-level expiration setting will be enforced. If a plan has an expiration setting, the expiration date will display on the plan detail page post-registration (for example, after the student has gained access to the plan).
- Expiration: Define a plan-level expiration setting by entering how many months or days the plan registration will expire after registration.
- Content & Order: The content and order section is where you select the published courses and published paths you would like to make available to learners as part of the plan.
- Drag and drop the content you want to include in the plan into the box on the right and order them to your preference.
- The order of plan objects in the ‘selected objects’ column on the right is the order in which those objects will be listed in the contents section of the plan detail page.
- Plans provide learners with dynamic access to plan objects. So, whenever you add a published course or published path to the plan, any learners who have access to the plan will also get access to those newly added objects. This also applies to object removal: When you remove objects from a plan, learners who have access to the plan and have not yet registered for those objects will lose access to them.
- The order of plan objects in the ‘selected objects’ column on the right is the order in which those objects will be listed in the contents section of the plan detail page. Plans provide learners with dynamic access to plan objects. So, whenever you add a published course or published path to the plan, any learners who have access to the plan will also get access to those newly added objects. This also applies to object removal: When you remove objects from a plan, learners who have access to the plan and have not yet registered for those objects will lose access to them.
- Drag and drop the content you want to include in the plan into the box on the right and order them to your preference.
- Display Settings: These settings enable you to define pre- and post-registration HTML content on the plan detail page. Post-registration HTML content is an opportunity to provide your students with additional context or instructions after they have access to the plan. Learn more about HTML and code snippets at Customizing Your Training Site with CSS and JavaScript.
- Pre-registration HTML content displays on the left side of the plan detail page:
- If / when defined, post-registration HTML content displays in the same place, overriding the pre-registration content.
- Pre-registration HTML content displays on the left side of the plan detail page:
- TIle Behavior:
- Promo Image: Upload a promo image for the plan to display on your plans tile.
- Group Visibility: Define the group visibility for the plans tile. To make it so the plan doesn't appear for specific groups, select the group(s) from the Available groups table and select the > button to move them to the table on the right.
- Note: The group visibility of the plan tile is separate and independent from the group visibility of the objects (such as published courses, and published paths) in the plan. You can set the visibility settings for published courses and paths separately. For more information about course object visibility, see Setting Visibility and Access for a Published Course, Catalog Page, Plan, or Published Path.
- Tags: Add tags to help you filter your plans within searches. For more information see Associating Tags to Catalog Pages, Learning Paths, Plans, and Live Training Events.
- Location: This section allows you to locate the plan tile on one or more catalog pages.
- Catalog Pages: Select which catalog pages you want to include the plan in from the list on the left by using the > button to move them to the list on the right. The plan will appear in any catalog page listed in the "Selected catalog pages" table.
- Similar to group visibility, the catalog page location of the plan tile is separate and independent from the catalog page location of the objects (such as published courses, and published paths) in the plan itself.
- Example: If your training site has published courses and published paths spread out over 10 catalog pages, you don't need to locate your plan tile on all 10 of those pages. You can locate it on the page or pages of your choice and it will provide access to course and learning path objects wherever they are located.
- Catalog Pages: Select which catalog pages you want to include the plan in from the list on the left by using the > button to move them to the list on the right. The plan will appear in any catalog page listed in the "Selected catalog pages" table.
- When you're finished, select Save or Save and Continue Editing to make more adjustments.
Actions tab
You can manage the email settings for a plan via the ‘actions’ tab of the create/edit page. Select the boxes of your choice.
- Purchase Actions: You can enable a confirmation email to be sent to the purchaser and/or the Organization's notification email upon the purchase of a plan.
- Registration Actions: You can enable a registration email to be sent to the student and/or the Organization's notification email upon the registration of a plan.
To apply any changes you've made select Save or Save and Continue Editing.