Skilljar Dashboard Roles and Permissions

  • Updated

Skilljar dashboard roles determine the permissions each user has and what they can do on the Skilljar dashboard.

You can learn how to invite users, assign and manage Skilljar dashboard permissions here

Dashboard Roles & Permissions

Skilljar dashboard roles can be assigned to a dashboard user and grant them the permissions associated with that role, such as an admin or course manager. A user can also have multiple roles, granting them permissions in all of the roles in which they're assigned. 

Admins or users with the ‘Organization Settings Admin’ can manage and add new Dashboard users. We currently offer the following roles through our Dashboard:


What it does - Permission

Global Administrator Users with this permission have access to everything on the Dashboard (no hidden pages).
Analytics Admin

Users with this permission have access to the Analytics pages and all customer data that is displayed on those pages.

The Group Analytics and Strategic Insights pages are not included in this default role.

This role is currently assigned by selecting “All” for the “Analytics” role.

Announcements Admin The Announcements Admin can access all pages and functions under “Announcements”.
API Admin

The API Admin can access all pages and functions under “API”.

Codes Admin The Codes Admin can access all pages and functions under “Codes”.
Course Management Admin

Users with this permission have access to the following functions: Authoring courses, creating and managing assets, creating and managing quizzes, and creating and managing SCORM.

Access to specific courses and assets can be granted by selecting "Limited" on the Course Access and Asset Access dropdowns in the Object Access section. When "Limited" is selected, the following restrictions apply:

They can create and edit courses that are assigned to them.

When they create a new course, it is automatically added to their list of ‘allowed’ courses.

They can only see templates that are associated with objects they have access to.

They can see quizzes and other assets that belong to courses they have access to.

They can only edit quizzes and assets that are specifically assigned to them.

Domains & Publishing Admin The Domains & Publishing Admin can access all pages and functions under “Domains and Publishing”.
Groups Admin

Users with this permission have access to all functions on the Groups page: Adding new groups, managing group members, managing group rules, edit visibility rules.

Live Training Admin

The Live Training Admin can see the Live Training page with all events. The admin can be limited to seeing events that they are the assigned instructor for.

With the Easy ILT feature, we will add clone functionality to that page. This function will only be accessible by users that have the Live Training AND Content Admin OR Content Manager role for the specific course they want to clone.

Order Report Admin The Order Report Admin can access all pages and functions under “Order Reports”.
Organization Admin

The Organization Admin can access all pages and functions under “Organization”.

  • This admin can also Manage Live Training integrations.
Students Admin The Students Admin can access all pages and functions under the “Students” sub-tab of the "Students" tab.
Tasks Admin The Tasks Admin can access all pages and functions under “Tasks”.
Theming Admin The Theming Admin can access all pages and functions under “Themes”.

You also have the option of creating custom roles

Dashboard Access

Skilljar dashboard Permissions enable a user to perform an action or see part of the Skilljar Dashboard. Permissions generally enable access (vs restrict or hide something). Dashboard Users are not granted individual Permissions. Permissions must be grouped into a dashboard role, which is then assigned to a user.

You can make your Dashboard user a global administrator, or you can assign access to one or several different Dashboard areas:

  • Note: The view you see on your Skilljar dashboard may differ from the below screenshot based on the available roles within your Skilljar package. Please reach out to our customer success team to learn more.




What it does

Analytics A Dashboard user with access to the “Analytics” area of the Dashboard can view analytics for all students and all groups.
Announcements A Dashboard user with access to the “Announcements” area of the Dashboard has full access to create and send announcements to students.
API A dashboard user with access to the “API” area of the dashboard has full access to manage API tasks, such as viewing existing API keys, creating, and deleting API keys. 
Codes A Dashboard user with access to the “Codes” area of the Dashboard has full access to create, edit, and deactivate Codes
Course Management

A Dashboard user with access to the “Course Management” area of the Dashboard can create and manage all content, including Courses, Assets, SCORM, and Quizzes.

  • You can limit access in the Course Management area to specific courses. Users with such limited access can create new courses and/or edit courses to which they are assigned. They can also edit or remove any assets, quizzes, and lessons associated with those courses. Learn more about configuring course access.

  • When you have limited a user's access to specific courses, you can also assign specific assets within those courses to the user. Users with assigned assets can only edit or remove those assets (Assets, Quizzes) that are assigned to them. Learn more about configuring asset access.

Domains & Publishing A Dashboard user with access to the “Domains & Publishing” area of the Dashboard has full access to the “Domains ” and “Tags” pages where they can create, edit, and delete catalog pages, published courses, paths, and plans as well as update any domain settings.
Groups A Dashboard user with access to the “Groups” area of the Dashboard can manage groups, group visibility, group rules, and group members.
You can limit access in the Groups area to specific groups. Users with such limited access can only manage the groups they are assigned. Learn more about configuring group access.
Live Training A Dashboard user with access to the “Live Training” area of the Dashboard can view all live events, registrations, and attendance. They can manage attendance and registrations. A Dashboard user with access to both the “Course Management” and “Live Training” areas can also edit, clone, cancel, and delete events. Users with limited access to specific courses can only manage events that are part of the assigned courses. Users with the "Only view assigned events" option selected will only be able to view events where the instructor email matches theirs.
Order Report A Dashboard user with access to the “Order Report” area of the Dashboard has full access to view all orders and download the order report.
Organization A Dashboard user with access to the “Organization” area of the Dashboard can manage organization settings and view the global Audit Log. They cannot create or manage Dashboard users or API settings. Only global Dashboard administrators can access the “Dashboard Users” and “API” sections of the Dashboard.
Students A Dashboard user with access to the “Students” area of the Dashboard has full access to the “Students ” and “Tasks” pages where they can manage students and work on tasks.
Tasks A dashboard user with access to the “Tasks” area of the dashboard has the ability to view and grade open tasks, as well as view automatically graded and previously manually graded student tasks
Theming A Dashboard user with access to the “Theming” area of the Dashboard has full access to the “Themes” and “Languages” pages.


Object Access

Some Dashboard Permissions may be associated with access to objects (Courses, Assets & Quizzes, Student Groups, and Catalog Pages). The Dashboard Permission may grant the Dashboard User permission to do a particular action, but then individual objects (specific Courses, for example) need to be assigned to the User for them to access.

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