Image Specifications

  • Updated

Profile Images

Students can add profiles images to their accounts via their profile settings page. You can do this by selecting the profile icon in the top right of any page, selecting My Profile, and then selecting Update within the profile image.

  • Accepted file formats: JPG (recommended), PNG
  • Dimensions: For best results, images should be in a square format and a maximum size of 1024 x 1024 pixels.
  • File Size: For best results, image file size should be at or below 1MB

Promo Images

The promo image is an element that displays on the main course catalog as the catalog page tile image, course tile image, course detail page, and curriculum overview page.

You can upload and edit your promo image via the course's details page within your Skilljar dashboard. 

  1. Select the Course Management header and then Courses to open a list of your courses. 
  2. Select the course you want to edit the image of to open the settings page. 
  3. Select Details
  4. Under Course Promo, upload or change the Promo image by dragging your image into the box or selecting browse and choosing an image from your computer. 
    • Note: To replace an existing image, you must first hover your mouse over it and select Remove image. 


  • Accepted file formats: JPG (recommended), PNG
  • Dimensions: For best results, images should be at least 1200 x 700 pix
  • Resolution: Recommend at least 72ppi

We recommend working with branding and marketing resources to create a consistent look and feel across your course catalog. 

Theme Header Image

The theme header image appears in the header bar of your course catalog and other pages. The theme header image is traditionally used to display a company logo and/or name. 


  • Accepted file formats: JPG, PNG, GIF
  • Dimensions: For best results, images should be 162 pixels tall.
    • Note: For best results, make sure the image doesn't include any space of padding around it and the outline is cropped as tightly as possible to the image content. 

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