Watching a Video in a Course

  • Updated

In this article we look at the steps to take to watch a video. Video lessons can be watched via streaming within the lesson. This requires you to be connected to the internet. In some cases, instructors have elected to also make videos downloadable. If this is the case, you can download the video files to view them offline (without being connected to the internet).

*Note: you must register for a course before you can access the videos*

To stream a video and watch it within the course/lesson:

  1. Make sure you have registered for the course
  2. If you are on the course detail page, click the Sign In button to sign in and enter the course

  3. Once you are signed in, you will see the Overview page. Click on the lesson that includes the video you'd like to watch

  4. Once you click on the lesson, the video will load and should begin auto-playing within seconds. 

The saving of student video progress is supported for all Wistia and JW Player uploaded videos.

If you experience issues with the video playing, please see this article for steps to take to troubleshoot video playing errors


JW Player video controls:

Videos uploaded directly into Skilljar will feature the JW Player video player controls below:


  1. On the left, you should have play/pause, rewind 10 seconds, volume, and video progress.
  2. The right side will feature a built-in Chromecast shortcut, Settings gear, and full-screen toggle.
  3. Clicking the Settings gear icon will bring up the quality controls by default:


  4. The clock icon will bring you to the speed controls:


  5. By default, the video will be playing at 1x speed, but you can set this to any available option.

The saving of student video progress is supported for all Wistia and JW Player uploaded videos.

If you experience issues with the video playing, please see this article for steps to take to troubleshoot video playing errors 

To download videos for viewing offline:

These steps will only be applicable if the video file appears in the Downloads section. This is up to the Instructor's discretion.

  1. Make sure you have registered for the course
  2. If you are on the course detail page, slick the Sign In button to sign in and enter the course

  3. Once you are signed in, you will see the Overview page. Click on the lesson that includes the video that is available to download

  4. If there is downloadable content, you will see a count of the number of files available and the word download next to a paper clip icon
  5. Click the download link in the top right corner of the screen (see arrow in screenshot below)

  6. When the Detail open up, you will see the list of files available for downloading in the Downloads section.
  7. To download a file, click on the file name and the download will begin

  8. To watch a downloaded file, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the file to, and double click on the file name to open it and begin playing it

How do I disable autoplay?

Videos embedded into Skilljar will auto-play by default. If you want to turn autoplay off for all videos in your organization, reach out to

Chrome pushed an update (Chrome 66) last year and has automatically disabled audio on any auto-playing videos. The sound should auto-play on other browsers.



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