You can create quiz lessons in your courses to assess student knowledge - from creating simple knowledge checks to more complex assessments that are tied to certification.
A quiz lives within a lesson, so students navigate through the quiz in the lesson window, and can then proceed to the next lesson in the course.
Learn more: Find, edit, clone, or delete an existing quiz
A student starting a quiz
A student submitting a quiz and taking the quiz again
Create a new quiz
You can create a new quiz from the “Quizzes” page in Course Management or directly from within a lesson in a course within your Skilljar dashboard.
Create a new quiz from “Quizzes”
- Expand the Course Management header on the left and select Quizzes.
- On the Quizzes page, select Create New and then Quiz.
- Give the quiz a name and an optional description.
- Scroll down to the Questions box and select Add Question.
- Select the question type you want to add to your quiz:
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Answer
- Fill in the Blank
- Free Form Response
- Upload File
- Linear Scale
- Complete the quiz details and settings, and then select Save. (see Add a Quiz Question for more information on each specific quiz type.)
- The snapshot view provides an overview of the quiz details and rules. You can edit these details and rules by selecting the pencil icon in the top corner of the box.
- The snapshot view provides an overview of the quiz details and rules. You can edit these details and rules by selecting the pencil icon in the top corner of the box.
- After adding the desired number of quiz questions, select Save or Save and continue editing. Select Cancel to exit the new quiz without saving.
Create a new quiz from within a lesson in a course
- Select Course Management from your Skilljar dashboard home page, or expand the Course Management header on the left and select Courses.
- Select the course in which you want to create a new quiz in the “Course” column.
- Select New Lesson
- On the flyout screen, select Quiz.
- In the quiz lesson, select Create New Quiz (or select an existing quiz from the list to add it to the lesson.
- Give the quiz a name and an optional description.
- Scroll down to the Questions box and select Add Question.
- Select the question type you want to add to your quiz:
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Answer
- Fill in the Blank
- Free Form Response
- Upload File
- Linear Scale
- Complete the quiz details and settings, and then select Save. (see Add a Quiz Question for more information on each specific quiz type.)
- The snapshot view provides an overview of the quiz details and rules. You can edit these details and rules by selecting the pencil icon in the top corner of the box.
- The snapshot view provides an overview of the quiz details and rules. You can edit these details and rules by selecting the pencil icon in the top corner of the box.
- When you're finished, select Save Quiz Details to add it to the lesson.
Understand quiz settings
On the “New Quiz” page, you can click on the plus (+) icon to expand and adjust the quiz “Settings.”
Add a “Passing Score”
Enter the score, in percentage, that students will be required to score in order for the quiz lesson to be completed. If left as 0, students will be required to answer every question and any score (even a failing one) will complete a lesson.
Select or deselect “Show Results On Failure”
If enabled, students who fail the quiz will be able to see the answers they submitted as well as the correct/incorrect status of each question. For multiple choice or fill in the blank questions, the correct answer will not be displayed. For free form response questions, feedback will be displayed.
- Note: Students will only see the results on failure if you have added a “Passing Score,” since adding “Passing Score” enables the possibility of a student failing a quiz.
Adjust the “Max Attempts”
Enter the maximum number of attempts students will have to complete the course. If left as 0, there will be no limit on how many times students may take the quiz.
If you have set a maximum number of quiz attempts and a student uses all of their attempts, the “Take this quiz again” option will no longer be available to the student.
Select or deselect “Require Correct Response To Proceed”
If enabled, students must answer each question correctly in order to proceed to the next question. There is no limit on the number of attempts students can make to answer the question.
If “Require Correct Response To Proceed” is enabled, students that submit an incorrect response will see a dialogue box on the quiz question that notes: “Sorry, this answer is incorrect. Please select the correct answer to proceed.”
Select or deselect “Randomize Order Of Questions”
If enabled, questions will display to students in a randomized order.
Adjust the “Limit Question Count” number
Enter the number of questions you want to display to students in a randomized order. If left as 0, all questions will display to each student.
Note: You can only adjust the “Limit Question Count” setting when “Randomize Order Of Questions” is enabled.
Tip: Apply this setting when you have built a quiz with many questions, or a quiz bank, in which you want students to see questions not only in a randomized order but also different questions entirely. For example, you could have a quiz with 20 different questions pertaining to the course content and limit the questions students will encounter when they take the quiz to five questions.
Select or deselect “Randomize Order of Answers”
If enabled, answers to questions will display to students in a randomized order. This setting is specific to “Multiple Choice” or “Multiple Answer” question types.
Add a “Time Limit”
If there is a time limit on the quiz, enter the number into box. For example, 2:30:00 as two hours and thirty minutes.
To learn more about quiz time limits, see Adding Time Limits to Quizzes.
Select or deselect “Enable Question Level Feedback.”
If selected, students will receive feedback for correct and/or incorrect answers for answers on automatically graded questions (such as multiple choice and linear scale). If unchecked, all feedback entered previously will be deleted after saving the quiz
Editing an existing quiz
To learn how to make changes to existing quizzes, see the edit an existing quiz section in Find, edit, clone, or delete an existing quiz.
Important note regarding editing existing quizzes:
When you edit a quiz, most actions will not invalidate any progress for learners who have already taken or are currently taking the quiz. However, there are some circumstances where a student may have to restart or cause other issues. Please make sure no learners are actively taking the quiz before doing the following edits to a live quiz:
- Deleting a question.
- Changing grading from automatic to manual or manual to automatic.
- Deleting a question bank.
- Adding or deleting an answer.
- Editing a question.
- Changing an answer to correct or incorrect
- Changing the case sensitivity.
Add a quiz question
On the “New Quiz” page, scroll down to the Questions section, select Add Question and choose the question type you want to add to your quiz. You can add a Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, Fill in the Blank, Free Form Response, Linear Scale, or an Upload File question.
You can also make a question graded or ungraded (excluding Upload File). A graded question counts towards the passing or failing score, while a nongraded question does not. You can use nongraded questions for test questions and as a means to gather feedback. Learn more at Using Skilljar Quizzes to Create Surveys.
The question builder will open for each type of quiz type:
Multiple Choice
- Type a “Question.”
- Type “Answers.” To add more answer spaces, select Add Answer.
- Select the circle in the “Correct” column to identify which answer is correct.
- Select Save or Save and continue editing.
Multiple Answer
- Type a “Question.”
- Type “Answers.” To add more answer spaces, select Add Answer.
- Select all of the checkboxes in the “Correct” column to identify which answer(s) are correct.
- Select Save or Save and continue editing.
Fill in the Blank
- Type a “Question.”
- Type “Answers.” To add more answer spaces, select Add Answer.
- Select all of the checkboxes in the “Correct” column to identify which answer(s) are correct.
- Select or deselect “Case Sensitive.” If enabled, student responses must match the case of the answer to be marked as correct.
- Select Save or Save and continue editing.
Free Form Response
- Type a “Question.”
- Select either:
- Automatic grading: Student responses to this question will automatically be marked correct.
- Manual grading: Student responses to this question will need to be manually graded in “Tasks” in the Dashboard.
- Select Save or Save and continue editing.
Linear Scale
This question type can be used to gather answers on a scale. For example, “how satisfied are you with this experience on a scale from 1 to 5.” You can select a range from 1 to Something, however, we recommend no more than five.
- Select if the question is Graded or Nongraded.
- If the question is optional, select Optional: Students can skip this question.
- Type a “Question.”
- Select the range, with a minimum score of 2 and a maximum of 10.
- Note: Students will only be able to select one option.
- Type the answers into the boxes.
- Select all of the checkboxes in the “Correct” column to identify which answer(s) are correct (if applicable).
- If ‘Enable Question Level Feedback” is selected in the quiz settings, enter the correct and incorrect answer feedback in their boxes.
- When you’re finished, select Save.
Upload File
This quiz question type enables students to upload a file (500 MB max) as a response, which can be found and graded from the Tasks in your dashboard. When you grade a file, it will be counted the same as any other quiz question and is worth one point. Students will be able to view any feedback when they revisit the quiz page in the lesson.
- Note: Students can only upload one file per question. If you require students to upload multiple files, you must create a new question. However, if a student fails the question or there is an error, they can upload the new file, replacing the old one.
- Uploaded files can be a maximum of 500 MB in size.
- Type a “Question.”
- Select Save.
Uploaded files go through a security scan and any items that are flagged with a potential virus will be quarantined (see Quarantined Student Upload Files below).
Quarantined Student Upload Files
For security purposes, any file that is uploaded to a quiz is automatically scanned for malicious content, such as viruses. If a virus is found, the file is flagged, quarantined, and then deleted. For your security, the file will no longer be available to download or view.
When a file is quarantined, you will receive an error message at the top of the “Grade Quiz” task page, as well as in the “Student Response” section, notifying you of the issue and the actions you can take.
- Note: If you need a file from the student and retries are enabled on the quiz, they can retry to upload the file again (or until they run out of retries). You can also reach out to the student and have them send the file to you another way, such as via email, and still grade the question as normal from the tasks in your dashboard
Excluded file types
Certain high-risk file types and encrypted files will automatically fail the security scan and are excluded from being used as a student's response. These excluded files are:
- .ace
- .ani
- .app
- .docm
- .exe
- .jar
- .reg
- .scr
- .vbe
- .vbs
- Encrypted files.
To allow students to use the above file types, please have them submit the file as a link (see below).
- Note: Skilljar cannot guarantee the security of external sites and any of the above files downloaded from them.
Students submitting a link instead of a file
To allow students to submit a link instead of a file, use a Free Form Response question type. This allows them to provide links to other material, such as videos and projects.
- Note: Skilljar cannot guarantee the security of external sites.
Superscript and Subscript
Quiz questions and answers support the use of superscript <sup></sup> and subscript <sub></sub>.
Remove a quiz question
At the top right side of the “New Quiz” page, click the X on the top-right hand corner of the quiz question to remove the question. You will be prompted with a popup to confirm the delete.
If you are removing a question, please make sure there are no learners actively taking a quiz as this may affect their progress.
Note: Deleting a question from a quiz cannot be undone.
Change the order of quiz questions
- At the top right side of the “New Quiz” page, select Change Order.
- Select and hold anywhere on a question module
- Drag and drop the question above or below the other existing questions in your quiz.
- Select Done to save your change. Select Cancel to exit the reorder screen without saving your changes.
Note: Enabling the “Randomize Order Of Questions” setting in the quiz “Settings” overrides the order that you choose for the quiz with this functionality. Therefore, questions will display to students in a randomized order.
Adding/Removing a Question Bank
Learn how to add question banks to a quiz and remove a question bank from a quiz here.
If you are removing a question, please make sure there are no learners actively taking a quiz as this may affect their progress.
Frequently asked questions
What types of quiz questions does Skilljar support?
Skilljar supports Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, Fill in the Blank, and Free Form Response questions.
What are some examples of quiz set-up in Skilljar?
- Knowledge check: Set up a quiz in which there is no minimum passing score and the setting to “Require Correct Response to Proceed” is enabled. This quiz set-up requires students to select the correct answer before being able to move on to the next question.
- Assessment: Set up a quiz in which there is a passing score that students must pass to complete the course. Students need to pass the course to demonstrate their comprehension of the material before moving on to the next lesson (if sequential navigation in a course is turned on) or the next course (if you have set one course as a prerequisite to the other).
If I add a question to an existing quiz or question bank, will it invalidate any current lesson progress for existing learners?
You can add additional questions to a quiz or question bank and it will not invalidate or have any effect on learners who have passed or are currently taking the lesson.
Note regarding removing questions: If you are removing a question, please make sure there are no learners actively taking a quiz as this may affect their progress.
Can I tie passing a quiz to the granting of a certificate?
Yes, you can require that a student pass a quiz (e.g. attain a minimum score within the specified maximum number of attempts) to receive a certificate.
Learn more: Issue certificates
What other tools can I use to assess student knowledge?
You can create other types of assessment experiences for students by uploading SCORM 1.2 objects meant to assess student knowledge or by embedding other types of assessment-related tools such as Qzzr, SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics Surveys, Google Forms, etc.
Learn more:
- Using Skilljar Quizzes to Create Surveys
- Embed a SurveyMonkey survey into a lesson and view student responses
- Embed a Qualtrics survey into a lesson and view student responses
- Embed a Google Form into a lesson and view student responses
- Embed a ProProfs Quiz Maker quiz into a lesson and view student responses
- Embed a Quizlet study set into a lesson and view student scores