Create a Course

  • Updated

Create a course to provide training content to your learners via the Course Management page on your Skilljar dashboard. To learn more about courses, see Courses 101. You can also take our Skilljar Academy course, Building Courses in Skilljar.

  • Note: To create a single course with zero content can take less than a minute. If you're creating multiple courses, the time will vary and we recommend creating a template course and cloning it. Read more at Cloning a Course.

How to create a course

The course shell can easily be created via the Course Management page of your Skilljar dashboard.

  1. Access your Skilljar dashboard and select Course Management on the home page, or expand the Course Management header on the left and select Courses
  2. Select New Course.


    • This will take you to the course "Details" tab by default.
  3. Select Save at the bottom of the page to create the course shell. To give the course a title and customize it further, follow the steps below.

Course Details

The course details tab is where you'll customize the information and settings for the course. 


The Details fields include:

  • Promo image (optional) - the image that appears to users on your course catalog page. Learn more.
  • Promo video (optional) - the video that plays to users on the course detail page. Upload a file or embed from YouTube or Wistia. If you upload a file, you can choose your promo image from your video thumbnail. Learn more
  • Title - the course title.
  • Short description - this is what appears below the title on the course detail page.
  • Long description - this is what appears below the promo image/video on the course detail page.

Course Settings

Expand the Settings header to customize the course settings.


Text and Descriptions

  • Long Description Title - Text to replace the phrase 'About this course'. Shown on detail page.
  • Overview Title - Text to replace the phrase 'Course Overview'. Shown in menu on lesson page.
  • Search Keywords - Terms to help students find courses. They are indexed for search and can include a maximum of 5,000 characters, 
  • Curriculum Title - Text to replace the world 'Curriculum'. Shown on detail page.
  • Lesson Name Plural - Text to replace the word 'lessons'. For example, '3 of 10 lessons complete.' Also appears under the menu icon in the lesson page.
  • Unit of Measure Plural - Plural unit values to express course worth (for example, Credits, Points, Hours).
  • Value - How many units is this course worth (for example, 0.5, 100).

Lesson Display

  • Display the Lesson in Full Screen - When the box is checked, content for the lessons in this course will display in fullscreen by default. To learn more, see Maximizing Lesson Display by Default.

Lesson Navigation

Collapse Sections

  • Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page - When checked, course sections will display closed on the curriculum page (optional). By default, course sections will display open (for example, uncollapsed).

Course Score

  • Use Lessons as a Course Score - Use the results of a specific lesson to determine the student's score for this course (optional). Will be applied from this point forward (for example, will not be applied retroactively).
  • Completion Criteria - This criteria is only applied when the lesson score as course score setting is also enabled. Students must still complete the other required lessons in the course.

Course Time

  • Display Course and Lesson Times - When checked, course and lesson times will display on the detail, curriculum, and lesson pages and the course time will be displayed on the course tile. (Lesson time = value entered at lesson level, course time = sum of all lesson values.)
  • Manual Course Time Override - When checked, the text string below will display on the detail, curriculum, and lesson pages, as well as the course tile. (If display course and lesson times is also enabled, this will override the summed course time. However, lesson times will still display in the selected format.)

Live Training

Learn more about Live Training at Create and Manage Live Training Events.

  • Automatically register the student in any single event Live Training lessons when they register for the course.
  • If the course has Live Training lessons, require that students register for events when they register for the course.


Add labels to items for easier searching and filtering. Labels are internal and students will not see them. Learn more at Using Labels.

Select Save at the bottom of the page to apply any changes you've made. 

Course Curriculum

The curriculum is made of Sections and Lessons. This is how your course is organized, and where the content is located.



A lesson is the curriculum content that makes up your courses, which students consume and interact with when they partake in your training, including quizzes, HTML lessons, video lessons, and live training events.

Learn more about lessons at Lessons 101 and Create a Lesson.


A section is simply used for organization, and does not display any content. To create a section, select New Section. Add a title and then select Save Section.

Expand the settings header to add a Tooltip Description. This is text that displays on the course detail page when students hover over the section title. Learn more at Enable Lesson Description Tooltips.

Course Actions

The Actions tab allows you to manage the messages and certifications that are sent out within the course. Learn more at Using the Course Action Tab to Automate and Customize your Messaging.



Preview Course

Once the course is published, customers view this page prior to purchasing. To see your updates, select Preview and then Detail Page. You can also use the preview feature to preview the Curriculum and lesson pages.


When you're ready to add content elements to your course, visit the article for more details: Lessons 101 and Create a Lesson.

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