How to Upload SCORM Content in a Course

  • Updated

Use SCORM packages as content for your lessons and courses.

We support content published in the SCORM 1.2 and 2004 formats, as well as HTML5 web packages

Please see our recommended settings for your SCORM content here.

Once your SCORM content is exported as a zip file, you can upload it to your dashboard.

Note: The time it'll take to upload SCORM content into your course shell will vary depending on how many courses are needed and your SCORM configuration. For example, it can take an estimated 30 to 60 minutes if you have five to seven courses.

  1. Open your Skilljar dashboard and select Course Management.
  2. Select the course you want to add your content to.
  3. Select New Lesson and then SCORM / Web Package from the drop-down menu.


  4. Drag your file into the Content box or browse for the file to add it.
    • Note: The file must be a zip file. 


  5. Expand the Settings to set SCORM display dimensions, record multiple SCORM progress attempts, and hide SCORM lesson content after completion.
  6. When you're finished, select Save Lesson to complete the upload.



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