Skilljar admins can invite new users to the Skilljar dashboard via the organization settings. You can also manage existing users and grant various access rights, such as limiting parts of the dashboard. Permissions can be managed on an individual basis or by groups. In this article, we'll explain how to add, manage, and delete dashboard users, as well as how to configure access permissions, and how to update your admin profile.
For more information, watch the QuickTip!
Adding New Users
When inviting a new user to your organization's Dashboard, you will need to define what type of access they should have. You can make your Dashboard user a global administrator, or you can assign access to one or several different Dashboard areas.
Learn more at Skilljar Dashboard Roles and Permissions and watch our Quicktip too!
Send Invitation
Note: Only Skilljar dashboard admins can send invitations to users.
- From the Skilljar Dashboard, select Organization, or expand the Organization header on the left and select Dashboard Users.
- Select New User.
- Enter the email address or addresses of the new dashboard users.
- If Dashboard SSO is enabled in your organization, you can select which type of authentication the new admin will be sent
- If Dashboard SSO is enabled in your organization, you can select which type of authentication the new admin will be sent
For all users listed in the “Emails” field, define the Dashboard Access. You can either give them the “Global Administrator” role or select individual sections of the Dashboard that you would like these users to access.
Note: The view you see on your Skilljar dashboard may differ from the below screenshot based on the available roles within your Skilljar package. Please reach out to our customer success team to learn more.
- When you allow users to access the "Course Management", "Analytics", or "Groups" areas, you can further limit access to specific objects within those areas.
- All: Grants the user access to all groups within this section. Learn more about assigning access to groups below. To learn more about the groups function, see Create and Manage Groups.
Limited: Grants the user access only to selected groups. Selecting this option will reveal a list of the groups. Select the groups to grant the user access to them. Learn more about assigning access to groups below.
- Course Management: Limit access to specific courses and assets within those courses. Learn more about assigning access to courses and assets below. Please note that selecting specific courses for a user will only affect the "Course Management" area of the Skilljar Dashboard. For example, this user also has access to "Domains & Publishing", they will be able to view and publish any courses.
- Analytics: Limit access to analytics data for specific groups. Learn more about assigning access to groups below. Please note that selecting specific groups for a user will affect the ‘Analytics’ and 'Groups' areas of the Skilljar Dashboard. For example, if this user also has access to ‘Students’, they will still be able to view and manage all students.
- Groups: Limit access in the Groups area to specific groups. Learn more about configuring group access. Please note that selecting specific groups for a user will affect the ‘Analytics’ and 'Groups' area of the Skilljar Dashboard. For example, if this user also has access to'Students’, they will still be able to view and manage all students.
- Select Invite. (You can view the status and role assignments of all invited users in the Users section.)
Dashboard User Activation
- Once a Dashboard user has been invited, they will receive an email asking them to activate their user account.
- Selecting the registration link in the email will take them to the Skilljar Dashboard registration page.
- They will input their First name and last name and create a password, then select Register. (SSO Dashboard Invites will Skip this step.)
Once a new user has activated their account, they will be able to access your organization's dashboard at The features they can access will be defined by the role that was selected when configuring the invitation.
Managing Existing Users
Skilljar dashboard admins can resend invitations, delete users, or update roles and permissions from the list of existing Dashboard users.
Resend an Invitation to a Dashboard User
Note: Only Skilljar dashboard admins can resend invitations to users
You can send a new invitation email to a specific user if a user has not received or completed their Dashboard registration.
- From the Skilljar Dashboard, select Organization, or expand the Organization header on the left and select Dashboard Users.
- Find the user you want to re-invite and select the paper plane icon on the right:
Delete Dashboard User
Note: Only Skilljar dashboard admins can remove users.
- From the Skilljar Dashboard, select Organization, or expand the Organization header on the left and select Dashboard Users.
- Find the user you want to delete and select the trash can icon. Note: only Skilljar Dashboard admins can delete users or modify this list of users.
- Select Yes, I'm Sure to confirm that you wish to revoke this user's dashboard access.
- The deleted dashboard user will immediately be removed and their active session will end. Removed users will no longer be able to take any actions on the dashboard.
Edit or Update Roles for a Dashboard User
Note: Only Dashboard Organization Admins can edit existing Dashboard users.
- From the Skilljar Dashboard, select Organization, or expand the Organization header on the left and select Dashboard Users.
- Select the name of the user you want to edit.
- Update the permissions as desired.
- Select Save.
- Note: Dashboard users are not alerted when Global Administrators edit permissions.
Configuring Group Access
You can limit access in the Analytics and Groups areas to data associated with specific Groups. Users with limited access to the Analytics section can only view analytics data for the groups to which they are assigned. Users with limited access to the Groups section can only view and manage the assigned groups.
To assign a specific group, create a new dashboard user or select the dashboard user you want to edit.
Assign the “Analytics” and/or "Groups" area to the user.
In the “Object Access” section, select Limited for “Group Access”.
Note: The view you see on your Skilljar dashboard may differ from the below screenshot based on the available roles within your Skilljar package. Please reach out to our customer success team to learn more.
Open the list of available groups and select the groups you want to assign to this user.
Select Save or Invite to save the changes.
The user now has access to only data associated with the selected groups in the Analytics and/or Groups area (depending on the assigned role).
Note: Selecting specific groups for a user will affect the ‘Analytics’ and 'Groups' area of the Skilljar Dashboard. For example, if this user also has access to ‘Students’, they will still be able to view and manage all students.
Configuring Course Access
You can limit access in the Course Management area to specific Courses. Users with such limited access can create new courses and/or edit courses to which they are assigned. They can also edit or remove any assets, quizzes, and lessons contained or associated with those courses. To assign a specific course, create a new dashboard user or select the dashboard user you want to edit.
Assign the Content Management area to the user.
In the “Object Access” section, for "Course Access," select Limited.
Note: The view you see on your Skilljar dashboard may differ from the below screenshot based on the available roles within your Skilljar package. Please reach out to our customer success team to learn more.
Open the list of available courses and select the courses you want to assign to this user
Select Save or Invite to save the changes.
The user can now edit only the courses assigned to them. When they create a new course, it will automatically be added to the list of courses they can access.
Note: Selecting specific courses for a user will only affect the "Course Management" area of the Skilljar Dashboard. For example, if this user also has access to "Domains & Publishing", they will be able to view and publish any courses.
- You can now restrict this user's access to specific assets within the assigned courses. Please see the next section for details.
Configuring Catalog Page Access
You can limit access in the Domains & Publishing area to specific Catalog Pages. Users with such limited access can create new catalog pages and/or edit catalog pages to which they are assigned. To assign a specific catalog page, create a new dashboard user or select the dashboard user you want to edit.
Assign the Domains & Publishing area to the user.
In the “Object Access” section, for "Catalog Page Access," select Limited.
Note: The view you see on your Skilljar dashboard may differ from the below screenshot based on the available roles within your Skilljar package. Please reach out to our customer success team to learn more.
Open the list of available catalog pages and select the catalog pages you want to assign to this user.
Select Save or Invite to save the changes.
The user can now edit and view only the catalog pages assigned to them. When they create a new catalog page, it will automatically be added to the list of courses they can access.
Note: While users will be able to see other catalog pages if they are already part of a catalog page they are assigned, they will be unable to edit those pages. They will also be unable to add catalog pages they are not assigned to other pages.
- You can now restrict this user's access to specific assets within the assigned courses. Please see the next section for details.
Configuring Live Training Event Access
You can limit access in the Live Training area to events the user is the instructor for. To turn on this setting:
Assign the Live Training area to the user.
In the “Live Training Access” section, select the box titled "Only view assigned events".
Note: The view you see on your Skilljar dashboard may differ from the below screenshot based on the available roles within your Skilljar package. Please reach out to our customer success team to learn more.
Configure Asset Permissions for a Content Manager
When you limit a dashboard user’s access to the Content Management section to certain courses, you can also specify which assets (uploaded materials such as videos, PDFs, quizzes) this user can replace.
Note: Since an individual asset within Skilljar can exist in multiple places across your training site, changes made to an asset by such a user will apply across all courses where that asset is hosted, even beyond the courses they are permitted to manage.
By default, assigning a course to a user will populate a list of the associated assets that live in those courses. This is an opt-in feature that enables you to select assets you would like this user to make universal changes to.
If a user is not granted access to edit assets, they will still be able to remove or add new assets to the course. When a user adds a new asset, they are automatically given management permissions for that asset.
Users can also apply the “replace” functionality to assets they would like to repurpose, which allows them to upload a new version of the asset and only apply those changes to the courses they manage. Any courses where that asset lives that the user does NOT have access to will retain the original version.
Note: By enabling a user to edit assets, you are granting them permission to make universal changes to that specific asset, even if that asset is used elsewhere in your training site beyond the courses they manage.
Inviting an Analytics Manager for Groups
If you use groups as a way to organize your users, you can invite an Analytics Manager to access the analytics for that specific group.
Note: This function is only available for Skilljar dashboard admins.
- Add a new user or manage an existing one.
- Select Analytics.
- For Group Access, select Limited.
- Select the relevant groups.
- Select Invite or Save.
Once the new Analytics Manager logs in, they will have "Analytics" access and will be able to see only the Analytics for the specific group to which they were assigned.
Updating Admin Profile from the Dashboard
Skilljar admins can update their profile information, such as name, profile image, password, and training report email preferences from the My Profile page within their Skilljar dashboard.
To access the My Profile page, select your profile image in the top right corner and choose My Profile from the drop-down selection.
Updating your profile information
- Go to the profile section on the page.
Type the information into the field(s) you want to update.
- First name
- Last name
- Email address - the email address you use to log into your dashboard and where you’ll receive any training-related emails.
- New password - the password used you use to log into your dashboard. You’ll also be asked to retype the new password and enter the current one.
When you’re finished, select Update to apply the changes.
- Note: To update your email address or password, you must enter your current password before applying the changes.
Updating Email Preferences
In the email preferences section, you can opt-in and out of your training report emails.
- Go to the email preferences section on the page.
- You will see a list of your domains under your organization. Select the box beside each to opt-in (or deselect to opt-out) of the domain’s email reports.
- To opt out of all email reports, select Opt out of all training reports.
- When you’re finished, select Update to apply the changes.
Updating your profile image
To update your profile image, select Update on the image on the left. You can then select and upload an image from your computer, which will apply automatically. For image sizes and formats, see Image Specifications.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I assign specific courses to a user, will the user be restricted to these objects in all areas of the Dashboard?
No, selecting specific courses for a user will only affect the "Course Management" area of the Skilljar Dashboard. If this user also has access to ‘Domains & Publishing’, they will be able to see and publish any courses.
If I assign specific groups to a user, will the user be restricted to these objects in all areas of the Dashboard?
No, selecting specific groups for a user will only affect the ‘Analytics’ and 'Groups' area of the Skilljar Dashboard (if this user has access to these areas). If this user also has access to ‘Students’, they will still be able to manage all students.
I want to give access to some areas of the dashboard only for a specific domain. Can I do that in Skilljar?
No - Restricting access by domain is a feature request we are actively evaluating. If you are interested in restricting access by domain, please let our Customer Success team know so that we can involve you in our evaluation process and have a transparent view of the customer interest in this feature. We do recommend exploring using separate organizations instead of domains. This works particularly well when there isn't a lot of shared content between the domains. Access to organizations can be managed individually.
Do you support super admins?
You can create a structure that replicates the idea of a super admin! Assign the 'Global Administrator' role to all your "Super Admins". This will be the only group of people that can access everything on the Skilljar Dashboard, including the ability to create and manage Dashboard users. Now you can define what areas your other "Admins" should be able to access. If you want them to have full access to everything except managing Dashboard users, you can assign all Dashboard areas, including the "Organization" area. You can also choose to give them less access, such as restricting access to the order report with sensitive financial data to super admins.
Can I give my live training instructors access to the courses they teach so that they can create and manage their own events?
Yes! Assign the "Live Training" area so that they can monitor registrations and attendance for events on the Live Training page. Next, assign the "Content Management" area. You can now select Object Access for this area. Select "Limited", then select the specific courses the instructor teaches. This will give the instructor access to manage their courses and add, edit, cancel, or delete any events. It will also give this instructor the capability to clone, edit, delete, and cancel their events through the "Live Training" page.