Disabling the Registration Requirement for a Course

  • Updated

You can disable the requirement for a student to be registered in order to access the lessons and content within a course.

  • You may want to use this course registration setting to eliminate the registration process to remove barriers to students accessing content.
  • You can send students a link directly to a lesson, and students can immediately access it and gain value from your training.
  • With this course publishing setting, registration and completion data will not be saved in any analytics for this course and individual progress will not be tracked. Student Usage activity will still be recorded if the student is logged into the domain.

How to set this option:

To edit a course you have already published, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Skilljar Dashboard, expand the Domains & Publishing header, and select Domains to open the Domains page.
  2. Find the domain you want to edit and select Catalog Pages.


  3. On the next page, select the Published Courses tab to switch to a list of your published courses
  4. Select the name of the course you want to edit to open the settings page for it.
  5. Scroll down to the Enrollment Settings section and select Disable registration requirement.


  6. When you're finished, select Save and Continue Editing or Save at the bottom of the page. 


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