Send a direct link to a student that auto-registers them for a course

  • Updated

You can send a direct link to students that auto-registers them to a course and direct students to either the course overview or a specific lesson in a course. When students visit the link, they are directed to the “Sign up/Sign In” page, and upon signing up or signing in they are directed to either the course overview page or a specific lesson in the course, depending on the type of link you provide to students.

The auto-registration method provides a more seamless experience in which students are directed to the content you want them to consume, and in the process, they bypass the course details page where they would typically have to click the Register (or Purchase, Start Your Course, etc.)  button.

Since this student registration method does not require access to the admin Dashboard, you can empower different people in your organization to use this method to engage students with training content. For example, an instructor can send students a direct link to content that supports a point of weak knowledge for a customer account, our Customer Success team can send a link to a lesson that supports just-in-time content delivery for a particular customer, etc.

Note: For the auto-registration method:

  • If a course requires students to complete a prerequisite course(s), providing the link to the student will not allow the student to complete the course unless they have already completed the preprequisite.
  • If a course is priced, students will first be directed to an order page to purchase the course before gaining access to the course or lesson content.

Learn more: Add students to and register them for courses


Obtain an auto-registration link that directs students to a course overview

You can provide students with a direct link that registers the student for the course once they sign in or sign up to your training domain. When students visit the link, they are directed to the "Sign In/Sign Up" page, and then to the course overview page once they sign in.

  1. Navigate to the course details page on your training site.
  2. Right-click on the Register (or Purchase, Start Your Course, etc.) button.
  3. In the menu, select "Copy link address." This is the link that you can provide to students.

The link would look similar to this:



Obtain an auto-registration link that directs students to a specific lesson in a course

You can provide students a direct link that registers the student for the course once they sign in or sign up to your training domain. When students visit the link, they are directed to the "Sign In/Sign Up" page, and then to the specific lesson in the course once they sign in.

  1. Sign in to your training domain.
  2. Click the name of the lesson within the course to which you want to direct students.
  3. When you are on the lesson page, append '?reg=1' to the end of the URL
  4. Copy the edited link from your browser window. This is the link that you can provide to students.

The link would look similar to this:



Frequently asked questions

What is the student experience for each of the auto-registration options?

Obtain an auto-registration link that directs students to a course overview

When students click on the link, they are directed to the "Sign In/Sign Up" page, and then to the course overview page once they sign in. Once they sign in, they are registered for the course. 

Therefore, students bypass the need to find the course on your training domain and click on the Register (or Purchase, Start Your Course, etc.) button on the course.


Sign In/Sign Up page


Course overview page


Obtain an auto-registration link that directs students to a specific lesson in a course

When students click on the link, they are directed to the specific lesson in the course once they sign in. Once they sign in, they are registered for the course. 

Therefore, students bypass the need to find the course on your training domain, click on the Register (or Purchase, Start Your Course, etc.) button, and navigate to a particular lesson to access specific content.


Sign In/Sign Up page


Lesson page

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