Bulk Add Students to a Live Training Event

  • Updated

With our Live Training feature, users can self-register for a live event. You can manually add or remove users one-by-one from the dashboard or, you can upload a roster to bulk-add users to the event. This article covers the process of bulk-adding users to an event.

For one-by-one user management in the live event, see Manually Adding and Removing Users to Live Training. For more information on Live Training, see Live Event Training 101.

Note: These steps work for both future and past events, although some integrations may only allow for future events. 

To bulk add users to your live training event:

  1. Create a live training event, (You can find instructions at Managing Live Training Events.
  2. Go to your Skilljar dashboard and select Live Training on the left to open the Live Training page.
  3. Select the live training event that you want to manage.
  4. Select Upload.


  5. On the next page, you can download the current roster to follow the template format and see the example data of how the information must be formatted.


  6. Set up your upload to include: 
    • First Name.
    • Last Name.
    • Email Address.
    • Domain name.
    • Score.
    • Max_Score.
    • Status_PASSED_FAILED.
    • And "Y" or "N" on whether they attended.
  7. Once your file is formatted properly, select Browse in the Choose File box and then select the file you want to upload from your device. 
  8. Select Save to finish.

This enrolls the users into the domain and course (if not already enrolled) and adds them to this live training event. This also sends the users an email containing the event details with a way to add it to their calendar (see below).


You can always manually delete a user from an event, or manually mark the user as "Attended." Marking them as attended marks that the lesson as completed for them.

Note: If this is a new user who has not registered to your training site before, to log in and see the lesson they will need to follow the "Forgot Password" process to set their password.

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