Enable Lesson Score as Course Score and Grading

  • Updated
Use the results of a specific lesson to determine the overall score and pass/fail status of a course. This article provides instructions on how to do this and an overview of what your students will experience.

Admin experience

This feature lives in the Course Management section of the Dashboard.  To access it:
  1. Select a course and expand the settings within the Details tab.



  2. Scroll down to the Course Grading section.

  3. Check "Use lesson score as course score" and select the relevant lesson.
    • Note: This will only affect grades for courses completed after you choose this setting and will only record the student’s first attempt, even if multiple attempts are allowed. If a student who initially failed the course later passes on a re-attempt, you must update any previous scores manually. 
  4. Select the relevant Completion Criteria - you can require a passing score for completion, or mark the course as complete regardless of pass/fail status. Select between:
    • Mark the course as complete if the student passes - The course is marked as complete when the student passes the selected lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course.
      • Note: This will not give students a “completed at” timestamp, but will give a “success status” of passed or failed. The course will be marked complete when all other completion criteria have been met along with this lesson. 
      • If “Mark the course as complete if the student passes or fails” was previously selected and you later change the selection to this, only the original course score will be recorded. If a student who initially failed the course later passes on a re-attempt, you must update any previous scores manually.
    • Mark the course as complete if the student passes or fails - the course is marked as complete when the student passes or fails the selected lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course.
      • Note: This setting will only record the student’s first course score in their “success status.” If the student fails their first attempt and passes on a re-attempt, their lesson score will be updated, but you must update any previous course scores manually.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Save Lesson.
    • Note: This setting will be applied from that point forward only - it's not retroactive.

Student experience

With the first setting enabled, (a) Mark the course as complete if the student passes the selected lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course:

  • If the student passes the designated lesson, and completes all of the other required lessons in the course, their course score and completion date will be displayed on their profile page:


  • If the student doesn't pass the designated lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course, their course score will be displayed on their profile page, but the course won't have a completion date:


With the second setting enabled, (b) Mark the course as complete if the student passes or fails the selected lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course:

  • If the student passes the designated lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course, their course score and completion date will be displayed on their profile page:


  • If the student does not pass the designated lesson and completes all of the other required lessons in the course, their course score will be displayed on their profile page, and the course will have a completion date:


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