Display course sections as collapsed on course curriculum page

  • Updated

You can choose to show course sections closed, or collapsed, on the course curriculum page for a specific course. By default, course sections will display open, or uncollapsed, on the course curriculum page.

When this setting is enabled, all course sections on the course curriculum page are closed, or collapsed, except on the section that the student is currently working. When a student starts a course, the first section will be open, or uncollapsed. Students can still expand or collapse sections manually as they review the curriculum for a course, regardless of whether this setting is enabled or not.

Tip: For courses that have many lessons and sections, enable the “Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page” setting to simplify and reduce the amount of content students initially see on the course curriculum page.


In this article:



Enable "Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page" setting

  1. From the "Course Management" dropdown in the Dashboard left navigation bar, click "Courses."
  2. Click the name of the course you want to edit.
  3. Click the "Details" tab and click the plus sign (+) to expand the “Settings” section at the bottom of the page.
  4. Scroll down to the “Collapse Sections” setting and select the box to automatically collapse the course settings on the curriculum page.
  5. Click Save.



Frequently asked questions

How does the student experience differ for the default setting compared to the "Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page" setting enabled?

Based on this setting, students could experience:

  1. “Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page” not selected, where students will first see all of the sections as open, or uncollapsed. This is the default behavior for this setting.
  2. “Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page” selected, where students will first see all of the sections except the one they’re working on as closed, or collapsed.

“Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page” not selected


“Collapse Course Sections on Curriculum Page” selected



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