Merging Student Records

  • Updated

If the same user has multiple student records, you can merge them and their associated progress into a single record. Warning: This action can't be undone.

Follow these steps to merge student records:

  1. Log into your Instructor Dashboard (
  2. Navigate to Students 
  3. Click on the student record you wish to keep
  4. Click on Admin Actions > Merge Students
  5. Enter the email address of the student you would like to be merged (this student will be deleted as a result of the merge)

  6. Click 'Look Up' and review the details; to complete the merge, click 'Merge' Warning: This action can't be undone!


Once complete, you'll see a summary of the merge details:


  • Domain and group memberships will be merged.
  • Course, lesson, and SCORM progresses will be merged.
  • Enrollments and Certificates will be moved.
  • Plan Enrollments will be moved

  • Learning Path Enrollments and Learning Path Progress will be moved

  • Purchases will be moved.
  • Quiz responses will be moved.
  • Avatars will be moved.
  • The student whose email you manually entered will be deleted.

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