Create a Custom Receipt Template

  • Updated

You can set a custom receipt template to provide to students that request a PDF receipt upon their purchase of a course, plan, learning path, or domain subscription.


What's on the receipt

The Order Report reflects a student’s purchase of a course, plan, learning path, or domain access. You can download a PDF receipt to provide to a student from the Order Report Detail page, at a student’s request.


To read more about the Order Report, see Understanding Order Reports.


Receipt customization


You can set the logo, left and right header text, and the footer text for your custom receipt template.

  • Logo: Images (.png or .jpg format) are scaled down to a maximum height of 75x75 pixels and appear on the top-right corner of the receipt. 
  • Left and right headers: Each allows a maximum of 2000 characters and appears on the left and right side of the top of the receipt, respectively.
  • Footer: Allows a maximum of 2000 characters and appears on the bottom-left corner of the receipt below the separator line.

You can use any of these variables in your headers and footer to pull in customer-specific information into the custom receipts:

  • {{ user.first_name }} - Purchasing student’s first name
  • {{ user.last_name }} - Purchasing student’s last name
  • {{ }} - Purchasing student’s email address
  • {{ purchase_date }} - Order purchase date
  •  {{ cc_last_four }} - Last 4 digits of credit card used for purchase. Note: Information populated only if the student made the purchase via Merchant eSolutions Hosted Checkout, or Stripe; otherwise, this field will be blank.
  • HTML tags e.g. <b>, <i>, <sub>, etc. -  HTML formatting supported in the text boxes


Set up your receipt template

  1. Contact Skilljar Support with your desired logo (.png or .jpg format with a white, non-transparent background), left and right header text, and footer text.
  2. Skilljar Support will update the custom receipt template for preview purposes, such that they can provide a PDF sample template for your review while the receipt is not yet available in the Order Report.
  3. You can review the custom receipt, requesting any changes.
  4. Once confirmed, Skilljar support will make your custom receipt template active. 
  5. Upon activation of a receipt templated, any purchases in the Order Report will have an option to Download Receipt.

Here's sample request:

Logo: Attach the logo with a white, non-transparent background to the form as a .png or .jpg.

Left header text:

Company Name

123 East Main Street

Seattle, WA 98105 

Right header text:

Purchase Date: {{ purchase_date }} 

Billing Contact: {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}

Billing Email: {{ }}

Last 4 CC: {{ cc_last_four }}

Footer text:

Please visit for more information.


Download a student receipt


  1. Click Order Report in the Dashboard left navigation bar.
  2. In the Order Report table, click the Order ID for the student order for which you want to download a receipt.
  3. In the Receipt field, click Download PDF.


Frequently asked questions

How many receipt templates can I set up for my Skilljar organization?

You can set up only one receipt template per Skilljar organization.


What happens if I work with Skilljar Support to update my receipt template?

If Skilljar Support updates a receipt template on your behalf, then all newly downloaded receipts will use the new template. If you have already downloaded a  receipt, downloading the same receipt from the Order Report will use the latest receipt template.


Am I able to automatically send this PDF receipt to a student upon purchase?

You are not able to automatically send this PDF receipt to a student upon purchase. Dashboard Admins are able to download a student’s PDF receipt from the Dashboard and send it to the student upon student request.

Note: Students will receive an email confirmation of their purchase upon registration and purchase of a course, learning path, or domain access that includes the purchase price if the following settings are enabled, respectively:

  • Course: ‘Email Student on Registration’ in the course’s Settings > Registration Actions in Course Management.
  • Learning Path: ‘Email Student on Registration’  in the learning path’s Enrollment Settings > Email Settings.
  • Plan: ‘Email Student on Registration’  in the plan’s Enrollment Settings > Actions.
  • Domain subscription: Sent automatically for any domain subscription purchase; all students will receive a domain membership email that includes the date their access expires, if an expiration is set.



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