Publish a Course

  • Updated

After creating a course in Skilljar, you can publish the content to your course catalog to make it visible and accessible to students.

How to publish your course

There are two ways to publish your course:

From the courses list page

  1. On your Skilljar dashboard, select the Course Management header and then select Courses to open a list of your Courses.
  2. Find the course you want to publish and select the ellipses at the end of the row (...).
  3. When the drop-down box appears, select Publish Course from the drop-down. You'll be taken to the course settings page. 
    • Note: If the course is already published, the Publish Course option will be replaced with "Already Published" and will also have a domain listed in the row. 
  4. On the next page, within the Publish Settings section, select the domain you wish to publish the course within, and complete any other applicable options on the page (see below for more details)
  5. When you're finished, select Save and Continue or Save at the bottom of the page. Your course will now be published in that domain, which will be reflected on the previous course list page. 

From the Course management page

From Course Management, you can publish the course you're currently editing directly from the course list or editing view.

  1. On your Skilljar dashboard, select the Course Management header and then select Courses to open a list of your Courses.
  2. Find and select the course you want to publish from the list. You'll be taken to its settings page.
  3. Select Manage Course and then Publish course.


  4. On the next page, within the Publish Settings section, select the domain(s) you wish to publish the course within and complete any other applicable options on the page (see below for more details). 
    Note: When publishing to multiple domains, Prerequisite and Location settings will be disabled. These settings can be updated on the individual published courses.
  5. When you're finished, select Save and Continue Editing or Save at the bottom of the page. Your course will now be published in the selected domain(s), which will be reflected on the course list page. 
    Note: When publishing to multiple domains, you will be unable to Save and Continue Editing.

From the Domains page

You can publish courses from the Domains and Publishing section of your Skilljar dashboard.

  1. Go to your Skilljar Dashboard, expand the Domains & Publishing header, and select Domains to open the Domains page.
  2. Find the domain you want to publish the course to and select Published Courses. This will open a list of your currently published courses. 


  3. On the next page, select the Publish Course button. 
  4. In the Publish Settings section, choose the domain you want to publish to, the course you want to publish from the Course drop-down selection (it will list unpublished courses), and type out a custom address for the course in the URL box. Then select all applicable other settings (see below for more details)
  5. When you're finished, select Save and Continue or Save at the bottom of the page. Your course will now be published in that domain.

Course publishing settings 

After starting the course publishing process, you will be brought to the Published Course page where you will set all of the publishing settings for your course. You can also access this page to change the settings for a published course by clicking on the specific course title on the Published Courses Tab. 

  • Domain:
    • Select the domain you are looking to publish the course onto from the dropdown
    • Verify that the correct course is listed in the course dropdown as publishing will make the course live on the domain that you select.
  • Purchase Settings:
    • You can set the price and checkout quantity for the course here if you are looking to sell course access. 
    • If your course is free, you can move on to the next section.
    • You can also add this course to existing promo code pools if you already offer promo codes.
  • Enrollment Settings:
  • Tags:
  • Learning Paths:
    • You can add the course you are publishing to existing Learning Paths that you have already created.
  • Catalog Pages:
    • You can add the course you are publishing to existing Catalog Pages that you have already created.
  • Group Visibility
    • You can set the default Visibility and group settings using the Group Visibility settings.
  • Pre-requisites
    • There are three options available to set as prerequisites for a course:
      • "Student must complete ALL selected courses to register for this course" (for example, in order to Register for Course C the student must have completed Course A AND Course B.)
      • "Student must complete ONE of the selected courses to register for this course" (for example, in order to Register for Course C the student must have completed Course A OR Course B.)
      • Student must be in ONE of the selected groups to register for this course
  • Advanced Settings
    • These settings will allow you to close a course for registration if needed or remove the registration requirement. 
      • Removing the registration requirement is not recommended, as we do not track student analytics data for courses that do not require registration.

Save the course by selecting Save. Or select Save and Continue to save and keep editing. 


  • Once you publish a course to a domain, once you select 'Save' on any content edits to the course, those edits will be live on your published course - you do not need to re-publish the course for the edits to be live.
  • If a course is already published on your domain, and then you re-publish the course to the same domain, the publish settings are set to default and you need to re-set the settings as desired.

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Determining a location for your published course to display

After publishing a course, select where you would like the course to display to students.

At the bottom of the Published Course settings page, select whether you would like the course to display within a catalog page or learning path and then save:


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