Salesforce: Creating a New Report

  • Updated

Many Skilljar customers use Skilljar's Salesforce integration to leverage the Skilljar data to create custom reports in Salesforce. In Salesforce, reports are based on Report Types. Prior to getting started, please confirm that you have created the necessary Custom Report Type (steps provided here)

Your Salesforceadmin can also install the Salesforce Example Reports Managed Package which will create some example reports and custom report types to begin interacting with Skilljar data.

Please note: Every implementation of Salesforce varies greatly from company to company. The examples shown in this article reflect Skilljar's own environment for demo purposes and your organization's implementation may differ from what is displayed below. 

In the below example, we will be creating a new report based on the Student Course Progress - Custom Report Type. With this report, you will be able to see the progress your students are making through the various published courses, including completed dates for both lessons and courses (if applicable). 

Lighting Experience:

  1. Go to the Reports section of Salesforce.
  2. Select New Report
  3. Search for the Report Type that was created for this report (prior example: Student Course Progress) and select Continue.
  4. Remove all the columns that are pre-populated – these can be confusing and it's better to start with a clean slate. You can do this by selecting the "x" next to the listed columns along the left-hand panel. 
  5. Adjust the date range, by selecting the Filter area and changing the Create Date to All Time. This is important, as you might be limiting the data set from the start. 
  6. Begin to add the main fields as Columns and group them accordingly. Please note, these fields might not populate until you have other fields added to the Report. 
    • Search for: Student: Student Name (within the Course Progresses Folder)
    • Search for: Student: Email (within the Course Progresses Folder)
    • Search for: Course: Course Name (within the Published Course Folder) 
    • Select dropdown by Student: Student Name and and select Group Rows by this Field
    • Select dropdown by Course: Course Name and select Group Rows by this Field
    • Select dropdown by Student: Email and select Group Rows by this FieldScreen_Shot_2019-05-31_at_1.30.57_PM.png
  7. Toggle the Subtotals to off – this will help to organize your view Screen_Shot_2019-05-31_at_1.45.25_PM.png
  8. Let's add the remaining columns to the Report:
    • Search for: Enrolled At (within the Course Progresses Folder) 
    • Search for: Completed At (within the Course Progresses Folder)
    • Search for: Lesson: Lesson Name (within the Lesson Progresses Folder) 
    • Search for: Completed At (within the Lesson Progresses Folder) 
    • Search for: VILT Session: VILT Session Name (within the VILT Session Registrations Folder)
    • Search for: Domain (within the Published Course Folder)                                  Screen_Shot_2019-05-31_at_1.39.07_PM.png
  9. Add any other fields that you would like. 
  10. Save and Run!


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