Customize Email Notifications

  • Updated

You can customize the emails that students receive, such as after they complete a course or register for a live training event. This article reviews the steps of creating and applying a custom email template for both scenarios.

Course Completion Emails

  • Go to Course Management and select a Course Name, then select the Actions tab.
  • Scroll down to the completion section and select Add Completion Action.
  • If you have pass/fail courses, you can create a template upon Passed Course Completion, and specify a different template for Failed Course Completion. If you don't have pass/fail criteria on your course, you'll only need to choose: Email Student on Course Completion. Note: If you don't choose to customize the Failed Course Completion email, the Default Skilljar email will be sent. 


  • If you choose Email Student on Completion, you can then choose to use the default template and click save, or you can choose to create a new template.


Steps to Create a New Email Template:

From the Email on Completion option you chose, click the Create New Template Button. This will populate the Template for you to customize.


  1. The Template page enables you to customize various elements of the standard email your students receive, including the subject line, email body, and field name elements to further personalize your message.
  2. The Template Name is the title that you select when you are applying this template to your Live Training Lessons in the future. 
  3. The Subject Line can be customized to include Variables of your choosing, listed below.
  4. The Body section is the email body, and supports both text and variables. The following formatting options are also available:
    • Size
    • Bold, Italic, Underline
    • Justification (Right, Center, Left, Full)
    • Bulleted List
    • Numbered List
    • Indentation
    • Hyperlinks (URLs)
  5. Variables - detailed information on variables can be found in the Email Template Variables help article. You can also click on the variable in the sidebar to copy the selected variable to your clipboard and then paste into your Email Subject or Email Body. 


  6. Once finished, you can save the template by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page.
  7. If you're ready to use this template for course completions, click save again.

Previewing an Email Template

You can send a preview of your email by clicking the "Send Preview" button and entering an email address in the popup:


Note: You can only submit one preview email address at a time, but can send as many previews as needed before saving your template.

Utilize the same completion template for multiple courses 

Once the template has been saved, you can activate it for any number of Courses.

  • Navigate to Course Management and click on a Course Name, then click on the Actions tab.
  • Scroll down to the completion section and click Add Completion Action.
  • Choose which action you would like the completion email to be sent for such as Email Student on Completion, and then choose the template from the list then click save.

Live Training Registration

  • Navigate to Course Management  and choose a Course.
  • Create or edit a Live Training Lesson and expand the lesson Settings. You'll notice a dropdown menu under the "Email Student on Registration" Checkbox:


By default, all Live Training Lessons will be set to send a standard message from Skilljar outlining the basic details of the Live Training opportunity.

To disable these notifications, uncheck the "Email Student on Registration and Event Updates" setting.

Steps to Create a New Email Template:

  1. From the Live Training Lesson Settings, clicking the "+ New" Button will open a page where you can create a new email template.
  2. If you have already created a template, you can also go back and edit that template as needed.Screen_Shot_2019-12-10_at_10.56.31_AM.png
  3. The Template page enables you to customize various elements of the standard email your students receive, including the subject line, email body, and field name elements to further personalize your message.
  4. The Template Name is the title that you select when you are applying this template to your Live Training Lessons in the future. 
  5. The Subject Line can be customized to include Variables of your choosing, listed below.
  6. The Body section is the email body, and supports both text and variables. The following formatting options are also available:
    • Size
    • Bold, Italic, Underline
    • Justification (Right, Center, Left, Full)
    • Bulleted List
    • Numbered List
    • Indentation
    • Hyperlinks (URLs)
  7. Variables - detailed information on Variables can be found in the Email Template Variables help article. You can also click on the variable in the sidebar to copy the selected variable to your clipboard and then paste into your Email Subject or Email Body. 


  8. Once finished, you can save the template by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Previewing an Email Template

You can send a preview of your email by clicking the "Send Preview" button and entering an email address in the popup:


Note: You can only submit one preview email address at a time, but can send as many previews as needed prior to saving your template.

Utilize a template for multiple Live Training Lessons

Once the template has been saved, you can activate it for any number of Live Training Lesson by selecting your template name from the dropdown under the email notification settings of the lesson in question:


Once selected, make sure to save your Lesson at the bottom of the page to ensure the template is applied.

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