Sending data to Gainsight PX

  • Updated

With Skilljar, you can send student registration, student activity, and training activity data directly to Gainsight PX. The benefits include:

  • Enabling your team to instrument the student experience by tracking student usage
  • The ability to launch in-app engagement surveys to capture course feedback, ideas for new content, or overall satisfaction
  • Automatically capturing student data, such as first name, last name, email address, job title, and more
  • Syncing training engagement activity (registrations, completions, etc.) with other Gainsight products

By leveraging out-of-the-box functionality from Skilljar and Gainsight PX, this initial configuration should take approximately 15 minutes.

You will need:

Installing Gainsight PX Tag & Identify code

The easiest way to send data to Gainsight PX is via our Javascript-based events available in the Theming area of your dashboard. We call Gainsight PX's Javascript library to call the identify() Javascript. This can be completed without any developer involvement through the Skilljar Dashboard.

  • Navigate to the Skilljar Dashboard > Themes, and expand the Code Snippet section.
  • In the Analytics Tracking Code Snippet, add the general Gainsight PX Tag code snippet to load their tracking library. The code within the Analytics Tracking Code Snippet loads on every page.

    IMPORTANT: Before adding the snippet below, you’ll need to replace GAINSIGHT-PX-TAG-PRODUCT with your Gainsight PX Tag Product Key, which you can find in your project setup guide or settings, highlighted below:
<<!-- Aptrinsic Tag--> 
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(n,t,a,e){var i="aptrinsic";n[i]=n[i]||
function(){ (n[i].q=n[i].q||[]).push(arguments)},n[i].p=e;
var r=t.createElement("script");r.
var c=t.getElementsByTagName("
script")[0];c.parentNode.insertBefore(r,c) })
<!-- End Aptrinsic Tag-->

Note: This tag will also start tracking course catalog page views.

Tracking and Identifying Skilljar Students 

Identifying Skilljar students within Gainsight PX not only tracks current activity, but also associates the activity back to a user. By adding the following code after the code above, Gainsight PX will begin displaying individuals by their names, emails, companies, and signup date, which can also be used to target in-app engagements.

  • Navigate to the Skilljar Dashboard > Themes, and expand the Code Snippet section.
  • In the Global Code Snippet, paste the following code to start identifying users:
<!-- Aptrinsic Identify Call-->
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(skilljarUser) != 'undefined') {

//passing user and account objects:
"firstName": skilljarUser.firstName,
"lastName": skilljarUser.lastName,
//Account Fields
"id": skilljarUserSignupFields["Company"].value,
"name": skilljarUserSignupFields["Company"].value,
// flat custom attributes
<!-- END Aptrinsic Identify Call-->


Advanced Configuration

Sending Additional Student Information to Gainsight PX

If applicable, you can add any custom sign-up field information you are capturing from your Skilljar users to the Gainsight PX Identify call, attaching relevant information directly to the Gainsight PX user.

To accomplish this, replace SIGN-UP-FIELD-NAME in the code below with your exact custom sign up field names from the code snippet in the Global Code Snippet section:

<!-- Aptrinsic Identify Call-->
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(skilljarUser) != 'undefined') {

//passing user and account objects:
"firstName": skilljarUser.firstName,
"lastName": skilljarUser.lastName,
//Account Fields
"id": skilljarUserSignupFields["CompanyID"].value,
"name": skilljarUserSignupFields["CompanyName"].value,
PX-custom-event-field": skilljarUserSignupFields["SIGN-UP-FIELD-NAME"].value,
// flat custom attributes
<!-- END Aptrinsic Identify Call-->

If you have multiple sign-up fields, you can add them in the same format, separated by a comma.

Sending Course Enrollment Events

In Gainsight PX, create a Custom Event with the corresponding properties/values.

In the following example, the custom event name would be "Course Enrollment", with "Course Title" as a property. 

In the Conversion Code Snippet, paste the following code to start tracking the Course Enrollment event. The code within the Conversion Code Snippet only loads upon the enrollment or purchase of a course.

<!-- START Aptrinsic Track Call-->
if (typeof(skilljarCourse) !== 'undefined') {
aptrinsic('track', 'Course Enrollment', {
"Course Title":"skilljarCourse.title"});}
<!-- END Aptrinsic Track Call-->

Learn more about Conversion Tracking Advanced Javascript objects.


Sending Course Completion Events

In Gainsight PX, create a Custom Event with the corresponding properties/values.

In the following example, custom event name would be "Course Completion", with "Course Title" as a property.

In the Completion Code Snippet, paste the following code to start tracking the Course Completion event. The Completion Code Snippet only loads upon the completion of a course.

<!-- START Aptrinsic Track Call-->
if (typeof(skilljarCourse) !== 'undefined') {
aptrinsic('track', 'Course Completion', {
"Course Completion":"skilljarCourse.title"});}
<!-- END Aptrinsic Track Call-->

Learn more about Conversion Tracking Advanced Javascript objects.


Using Skilljar Data in Gainsight PX


Once you are successfully passing Skilljar data to Gainsight PX, you can start leveraging this insight to create Engagements, launch a Knowledge Center Bot, or review detailed user analytics.

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