Adding Keywords to a Course or Lesson for Catalog Search Indexing

  • Updated

You can add specific keywords to a course or lesson to ensure it appears in search results when students search for content on your course catalog, depending on the search settings for that specific catalog page. These search keywords won't be visible to your learners, and will affect whether your content gets picked up in search results. 

If Global Search is enabled, then the search function will cover the entire domain, while Local search will limit the search to the catalog page. 

In this article:

  • Add keywords to a course
  • Add keywords to a lesson
  • Set-up federated search

Add keywords to a course

  1. From the “Course Management” dropdown in the Dashboard left navigation bar, click "Courses."
  2. Click the course title that you’d like to add search keywords.
  3. On the “Details” tab, scroll down to and click to expand “Settings.”
  4. In the “Search Keywords” field, type the keywords associated with this course, separated by spaces or commas.
  5. Click “Save and Continue Editing” or “Save.” The course will appear in the search results when students search for one or more of those keywords in your course catalog search bar. Screen_Shot_2020-02-07_at_2.41.49_PM.png

Add keywords to a lesson

  1. From the “Course Management” dropdown in the Dashboard left navigation bar, click "Courses."
  2. Click the course title that you’d like to add search keywords.
  3. Click the “Curriculum” tab.
  4. Scroll down to and click to expand “Settings.”
  5. In the “Search Keywords” field, type the keywords associated with this course, separated by spaces or commas.
  6. Click “Save and Continue Editing” or “Save.” The lesson will appear in the search results when students search for one or more of those keywords in your course catalog search bar. Screen_Shot_2020-02-07_at_2.44.33_PM.png

Set-up federated search

To set-up a federated search, you'll use search keywords:

  • Search keywords will be indexed in our search bar, and accessible via API for use with federated search tools (like Coveo, Algolia, etc.), so you can combine training search results with other important resources (e.g. Community, Knowledge Base Articles). 
  • You can then use the Published Courses List API endpoint when called with the include_searchable_content flag set to include the associated text that was added by the course creator in addition to the existing “searchable content” so that this data can be indexed and stored in a table by your search tool system. Endpoint:

If set to True, the response also includes the following fields ('lesson_list', 'tags', 'short_description', 'long_description_html')

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