You can use Iorad to capture step-by-step tutorials in your browser, then embed the tutorial into an HTML text lesson. Students will be able to see and interact with the tutorial embedded in the lesson.
Skilljar / Iorad integration requirements
Before you embed an Iorad tutorial in Skilljar, you are required to:
- Create an Iorad account:
- Install the Iorad browser extension for the Skilljar integration:
Note: This integration was not built by Skilljar and the Iorad extenstion is built in CHROME and may not work in all browsers
Embed an Iorad tutorial
- From the "Course Management" dropdown in the Dashboard left navigation menu, click "Courses."
- Click the name of the specific course you want to update.
- Click the "Curriculum" tab and click New Lesson at the bottom of the existing curriculum.
- Click the "Text" lesson type.
- Click the Iorad symbol in the text editor toolbar. The Iorad capture window opens in your browser.
- Click Start Web Capture, then Start to record your tutorial.
- Click the Iorad browser extension to stop your tutorial.
- Update and/or edit the tutorial in Iorad, as needed.
- Click Preview & Finish, then Done to save your tutorial. You are redirected to the Skilljar lesson, where the lesson title populates with the name of your tutorial and the tutorial is embedded into the text lesson content automatically.
- Click Save Lesson.
Note: If you edit the tutorial in Iorad, the embedded tutorial in the lesson will update automatically, as the tutorial is embedded as an iframe.
This video walks through the steps to add step-by-step tutorials from Iorad to Skilljar: