MVP Site Customization Options

  • Updated

As a part of your site customization, you and your web development team can select one of the below Snippet packages to install in your theme to apply basic customization to your training site. You can also use these as templates if you want to make further changes, by Copying the CSS out of these Stylesheets and inputting the code directly into your theme. 

You can find more in our HTML Template Library

Related Articles about the Basics and Best Practices about more complex Site Customization:

The snippets below will be installed in the Global Head and Global Code Snippets within your Theme on the Skilljar Dashboard


Walkthrough #1 Theme

A beautiful theme created for the Skilljar Demo Environment. Note: there may be minor changes to this as the team optimizes the CSS 


Check it out here!

In order to use this theme, you can install the following StyleSheet into your Global Head Snippet in your theme:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


Walkthrough #2 Theme

A clean, simple theme that can be very powerful with strong Promo and Header Images.


Check it out here!

In order to use this theme, you can install the following StyleSheet into your Global Head Snippet in your theme:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

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