Embed Content in a Lesson

  • Updated

Embed different content types into a lesson to differentiate your lesson content and make your training site more interactive for your students. You can embed content in a lesson via a direct link (URL) or via the source code in a text lesson. 


Embed via direct link (URL)

You can embed these content types via direct link:

Videos Google content Other content types
  • YouTube (or Google Hangouts on Air recording),
  • Kaltura
  • Vimeo
  • Ooyala
  • Wistia
  • Vidyard
  • Brightcove
  • Kollective Embedded Content.
  • Published Google Doc
  • Google Form
  • Google Groups
  • Google Slides.






  • SurveyMonkey
  • Qualtrics Survey
  • Qzzr Quiz
  • Interact Quiz
  • Haiku Deck
  • Nintex Form
  • Slideshare
  • Box
  • Microsoft Office 365 - PowerPoint
  • Any website that allows itself to be embedded as an iframe.
  • Note on short links: Some hosting platforms, such as Brightcove, require a short link/URL (a shortened version of the original link) to be pasted in order for the content to be recognized on your Skilljar platform. Therefore, we recommend using a short link as the embed URL when possible (see below). 

  • Note for Kaltura videos: Kaltura videos require the whole embed code to be pasted into the URL field (see below). Before copying the Kaltura video embed code, select Advanced Settings and set the Embed Type to Auto Embed. This will convert the code to the URL once pasted. 


Embed via direct link

  1. Copy the direct link to your content.
  2. From the Skilljar Dashboard, expand the Course Management header and select Courses.
  3. Select the name of the specific course you want to update or Create a New Course.
  4. Select the Curriculum tab and then select New Lesson at the bottom of the existing curriculum.

    Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 5.07.59 PM.png

  5. In the flyout screen, select the Files or Web Content lesson type.

    Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 5.09.23 PM.png

  6. In the “Content” section, select the Embed Link tab.


  7. From the “Type” dropdown menu, select the type of content you want to embed from the dropdown menu.


  8. In the URL field, paste the direct link to your content. 
    • Note - Some hosting providers have multiple versions of their embed link. The Example format which is displayed in the input box may vary from the share link that is created by your hosting platform. You should copy and paste the link that has been generated from your hosting platform into the URL input field even if the format is slightly different.
  9. Select Save under the video to add it to the lesson.


    • Some file types may auto-populate after you paste the video link into the URL field, and will save automatically. For example, if you paste a YouTube video link into the box, it will autodetect that it's a YouTube video file, auto-select the file type from the list and add the video to your lesson.


  10. Select Save Lesson to save your changes and create the video lesson.
    • Note: Even if the video is added to your lesson, it won't save permanently until you select Save Lesson.


Embed via source code in a text lesson

If your content is not available in the “Embed link” dropdown, embed your content via source code in a text lesson. You can choose to embed your content via source code with or without style tags.


Without style tags

  1. Copy the direct link to your content.
  2. From the Skilljar Dashboard, expand the Course Management header and select Courses.
  3. Select the name of the specific course you want to update or Create a New Course.
  4. Select the Curriculum tab and then select New Lesson at the bottom of the existing curriculum.
  5. In the flyout window select Where are my text or quiz only lessons?

    Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 4.53.43 PM.png

  6. Select the Text lesson type.

    Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 4.55.07 PM.png

  7. In the text lesson HTML editor in the Content section, select the Source Code button (<>) to open the source code editor.


  8. Paste the embed link as the source of your <iframe> HTML tags into the “Source code” box:
    • <iframe src="https://embed_url.com"></iframe>
  9. Select Save.


  10. Select Save Lesson to save your changes and create the lesson. 


With style tags

  1. Download this template: Template - Embed Content.html (684 bytes)
  2. Open the document in a text editor, such as Notepad.
  3. In line 26 of the template, replace the text within the quotation marks (currently “replace_with_url”) with the direct link to your content.
  4. Copy the full body of code.
  5. From the Skilljar Dashboard, expand the Course Management header and select Courses.
  6. Select the name of the specific course you want to update or Create a New Course.
  7. Select the Curriculum tab and then select New Lesson at the bottom of the existing curriculum.
  8. In the flyout window select Where are my text or quiz only lessons?
  9. Select the Text lesson type.
  10. In the text lesson HTML editor in the “Content” section, select the Source Code button (<>).
  11. Paste the embed link into the “Source code” box and select Save.
  12. Select Save Lesson to save your changes and create your lesson.




Frequently asked questions

What type of content can I embed into a lesson?

You can embed most content that can be embedded into any webpage via an iframe. For information on how to embed a content type, select the hyperlinked content types in the list.

  • Video: YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Kaltura, Ooyala, Vidyard, Brightcove, Kollective. 
  • Quiz, survey and flashcard content: ProProfs Quiz Maker, Quizlet, Wufoo, Qzzr Quiz, SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics survey, Typeform, Interact.
  • Live Content: Adobe Connect, YouTube Live, Livestream (if you have a Premium or Enterprise Livestream account).
  • Google content: Published Google Doc, Google Form, Google Slides, Google Video, Google Groups, Google Hangouts on Air.
  • Other types of content: Articulate Storyline and Presenter, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, Flipbook, Slideshare, Haiku Deck, Nintex Form, Speaker Deck, Issuu, Office Mix, Iorad tutorials.

How do I preview what the student experience will look like while building out lessons?

  1. In the Dashboard Lesson page, select Preview.
  2. In the dropdown, select This Lesson. A new browser window opens with a preview of how the embedded content lesson will look for the student.



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